Cones on labia

Any changes on the surface of the female external genitalia cause us fears, because they can be symptoms of many dangerous diseases. And for their effective treatment it is necessary to diagnose and identify the causes of the appearance of formations.

Cones on female genitalia - possible reasons:

  1. Inflammation of the hair follicle.
  2. Local irritation.
  3. Seizure of the sebaceous gland.
  4. Bartholinitis.

Below we consider more specifically each factor.

Inflammation of the hair follicle

This is the most common reason for the appearance of a bump on the large or small labia. Epilation and depilation promote the ingrowth of hair into the skin, resulting in the inflammatory process often begins. The neoplasm initially has small dimensions and is slightly felt by the fingers. Over time, the cone becomes filled with pus and grows. If you do not stop the inflammation and prevent infection, the abscess will burst under the skin and the infection will spread to nearby tissues. In this case, bumps may appear near the labia.

Local irritation

The factors that cause skin irritation are sufficient:

Initially, irritation manifests itself in the form of redness and a small rash, it can disappear on its own. Accession of infection entails purulent inflammation and abscess. He looks like a bump on the female genitalia and can cause pain.

Seizure of the sebaceous gland

Excessive dryness of the skin or unsuitable hygiene means that the pores become narrower, and sebum can not come out. As a consequence, the sebaceous gland is clogged with its own contents, and it gradually accumulates, becoming a subcutaneous compaction. Most often it looks like a big hard lump on the labia, which does not hurt and does not cause any special anxiety. With a strong push, the contents of such a grease can come out, but it's not recommended to conduct the procedure yourself.

Bartholinitis - the cyst of the gland of the labia

Bartholin gland is located near the vagina and as a result of the lesion of the excretory duct of this gland and its tissues, a small, painful bump on one labia or on both labia first appears. The causative agents of the disease are:

Sometimes bartholinitis passes independently after a while, and the lump and swelling around it disappear without a trace. In other cases, the infiltrate and pus accumulate in the clogged gland, a purulent cone is formed right inside the labia or on the labia on the eve of the vagina. Then follows the abscess, the formation becomes very painful and often oozes.

Cones on the labia - treatment

In cases of inflammation of hair follicles and local irritation, therapeutic measures are reduced to applying local antiseptics or antibiotics. It is also recommended to pay more attention to personal hygiene and wear quality cotton underwear.

If the lump appeared due to blockage of the sebaceous gland - it is better to consult a gynecologist and a surgeon. It is desirable to remove such neoplasms before the onset of the inflammatory process by surgery or with the help of resorptive drugs.

Treatment of bartholinitis must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor. The scheme usually consists of the removal of inflammatory processes and the opening of the cyst followed by its drainage.