How to increase estrogen?

Many women are faced with a problem such as a lack of estrogen. To raise its level it is usually suggested with the help of hormonal preparations, and it is also recommended to pay attention to one's food. But let's talk in more detail about how a low level of estrogen appears and how to increase it.

Symptoms of low levels of estrogen

The lack of estrogen in the body can manifest itself in different ways. In childhood it is a slow development of the genitals, mammary glands and skeleton. In adolescents - reducing the size of the uterus and mammary glands, the absence of menstruation. In women of childbearing age, the following symptoms indicate a lack of estrogens:

The consequence of a low level of estrogen can be bleeding and infertility.

Why did the level of estrogen go down?

It is important not only to know how to increase the level of estrogens, but what to do to prevent such a decrease. And for this it is necessary to understand from what level of estrogen, normal earlier, suddenly began to drop. The reasons can be as follows:

How to increase the level of estrogen?

Probably, every woman on the question of how to increase estrogen, will say something about taking hormonal drugs. Indeed, this question is often solved in this way. The patient is prescribed oral contraceptives, with the right dose of the hormone. Also often prescribe vitamin E (tocopherol).

It is possible to get the right amount of the hormone not by taking tablets, but by using a patch. It is attached in a convenient place for you and left for 30 days.

In addition, you can increase the level of estrogen by revising your diet. After all, there are products that have in their composition phytoestrogens - substitutes for female sex hormones.

Products that increase estrogen

It is worth noting that phytoestrogens can only mimic the missing hormones in the body, and therefore are suitable when global problems with a lack of estrogen are not available. If you need more substantial help to the body, then phytoestrogens may not be enough. In any case, a doctor should decide whether to increase the level of estrogen. Because the excess of this hormone is also not a good indicator. Too much estrogen can lead to serious consequences - from insomnia, nausea and headaches to the formation of tumors. So do not experiment with your health, and your own speculations about the lack of estrogens check with a specialist.

But back to the foods that you need to eat to increase estrogen.

  1. The main source of phytoestrogens is soy. It can be used separately, and in the composition of yoghurt, milk, flour, butter and cheese.
  2. Cereals and legumes are also rich in the substances you need. Especially beans, peas, corn, barley, rye and millet.
  3. Fats of animal origin are now also necessary for you. They are contained in dairy products, meat, hard cheese and fish oil.
  4. Among vegetables, you should pay attention to carrots, tomatoes, eggplants, colored and Brussels sprouts.
  5. Eat fruit, namely, apples, papaya, dates and pomegranates.
  6. Green tea is recommended for drinks. Until recently, advised to use coffee, but recent research scientists have shown that this drink level of estrogen lowers.
  7. Also increase the level of estrogen will help reception of sage broths. If you practice herbal medicine, you must have heard of the boron uterus. Her decoctions you can not take, because she lowers estrogen levels.