When can you have sex after an abortion?

When can you have sex after an abortion? This issue often worries women who have undergone this kind of procedure. At once it is necessary to note, that in such cases all directly depends on a way which was spent abortion. Consider each of them and tell about the resumption of intimate relationships after the procedure.

When is sex possible after medical abortion?

This type of abortion is less traumatic for a woman's reproductive system. It can be held only on very short terms, up to 6 weeks inclusive. This method involves taking medications that cause death, and then expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity (directly miscarriage).

If you specifically talk about when you can have sex after medical abortion, then doctors usually recommend that you resume sexual intercourse not earlier than 4 weeks later. At the same time, doctors note that the ideal option is when the woman resumes sexual intercourse no earlier than 14 days after the end of menstrual flow (counting from her last day).

When can I have sex after a mini-abortion?

Usually doctors call the same terms as for a medical abortion - 4-6 weeks. However, it is necessary to take into account some important features.

The thing is that the fact that you can have sex after a vacuum (mini-abortion) depends directly on how quickly the process of tissue regeneration takes place. In general, it takes a month. However, this does not mean that after a given period a woman can safely resume sexual activity. Each organism is individual, therefore, it is obligatory at this time to consult a doctor who will inspect the gynecological chair.

What is the threat of non-observance of the period of abstinence after abortion?

Each woman after an abortion should check with the doctor, through how much she can have sex and strictly follow his instructions. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications and infections.

So, often in such cases, uterine bleeding can develop, due to the fact that damaged tissues do not yet have time to completely heal.

Non-observance of the period of sexual rest in this case is fraught with the development of such violations as adnexitis, endometritis.