Throbbing pain in the temples

One of the most common types of headache is pain in the temporal region. Pain can be of different intensity, both bilateral, and can be observed only in the right or left temple, and usually has a pulsating character.

Causes of pulsating pain in the temples

In medicine, more than 40 diseases are distinguished, in which a similar symptom can be observed. Among the most common reasons:

With increasing pressure, infectious diseases, poisoning, hormonal disorders and stress, aching pains in the temples are usually symmetrical and not too intense, although they can last long enough.

When blood circulation is disturbed, eye diseases and migraines, throbbing pain is usually one-sided, of varying intensity. Migraine can cause a very strong throbbing pain in the right or left temple, which gives to the eyes, which is accompanied by increased sensitivity to light, sharp sounds, nausea, the presence of an "aura" (a set of specific sensations arising before the attack of pain). A migraine attack can last from half an hour to several hours and even a day, and is often not stopped by anesthetics.

Treatment of pulsating pain in temples

In most cases (and in the absence of contraindications), the drugs of the antispasmodics group are the most effective against pulsating pain in the temples. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, etc.).

Of the non-medicinal products, the point massage of the temporal zone, the compresses on the forehead, the teas based on mint, chamomile, melissa, which have a relaxing and soothing effect, are good.

In addition, rest is shown, since after a dream such pains often pass by themselves, without the use of medicines. For the removal of migraine attacks, special drugs prescribed by a doctor are usually used, for example, various alpha-blockers.