Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck

Lymph is a very important fluid in the human body. It helps to eliminate toxins, slags and other harmful substances. The movement of this substance is carried out through the lymphatic vessels, which, when combined, form the lymph nodes. They form lymphocytes - a kind of shield of the human body from infections, viruses and even tumors. Large clusters of lymph nodes are located on the neck, in the armpit, in the groin, in the elbow and knee folds. Each of these clusters is responsible for the work of certain bodies.

Cervical lymph nodes

Let's look at where the lymph nodes are located on the neck:

The normal size of the lymph node in the neck is from 1 to 2 centimeters. In the normal state, the nodes are poorly palpated or not felt at all. On the neck, we can detect only the anterolateral nodes. These touches are not painful, but the skin in these places is even.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck

If the lymph node on the neck has increased, then this indicates a certain deviation in health. The cause of enlarged lymph nodes on the neck can be different factors. Most often, these are inflammatory processes, infections of nearby organs:

Lymphadenitis (an increase in nodes associated with inflammation) usually leads not only to an increase in the size of the node, but also to painful sensations during palpation of the swollen place. Why do lymph nodes increase on the neck? This process provokes increased production of white bodies, caused by the inflammatory process.

But not only diseases of nearby organs can cause large lymph nodes on the neck. This fact can speak of a malfunction in the endocrine system of a person, that the immune system has not survived the onset of a serious illness. Infections such as HIV can give such an organism reaction.

If the cervical lymph nodes are inflamed, especially in the occipital part, it is painful to swallow, you feel a constant weakness, the temperature rises constantly, then it can be symptoms of a cancerous tumor. A characteristic sign of this disease is that the lymph nodes become firm, do not flex under the fingers.

Methods for treating large lymph nodes in the neck

In any case, with the increase of the nodes, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Self-medication can lead to disastrous consequences. If the cause of lymphodenitis is a viral infection, provoked by pathogenic bacteria, then, as a rule, a doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. Revealing the cause of inflammatory processes and the effect on it of medicinal products is the main tactic in the therapy of such diseases.

In the case of the formation of malignant tumors, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed, as well as a course of radiation therapy. If the inflammation has led to purulent formations, then, most likely, surgical intervention is required. In addition to medicines known means of traditional medicine, which help relieve the symptoms of lymphadenitis.