The taste of blood in the mouth

The taste of blood in the mouth can have absolutely different causes. And not always, it is a symptom of a serious illness. The blood tastes like iron because of its high content in it. If the taste of blood is felt constantly in the mouth, then this can lead to a deterioration in appetite and, in general, harm the health of a person.

Causes of a taste of blood in the mouth

A similar taste can be caused by various circumstances, not always harmless. The main reasons why there is a taste of blood in your mouth are:

Sometimes the taste of blood arises after running and other physical activities. The taste of blood arising during running can be either temporary or permanent, in healthy and not very healthy people. In most cases, this is absolutely normal and is due to the weakness of the gums, which during the exercise increases the flow of blood, and which do not stand the pressure and begin to bleed.

The taste of blood when coughing occurs often enough. Typically, this means serious airway disease, such as bronchitis. In addition, with a cold, if the cough is frequent and dry, the mucous membranes are irritated and damaged, resulting in a small discharge of blood. The most alarming cough, accompanied by a taste of blood, is with suspicions of pulmonary tuberculosis.

The taste of blood in the mouth in the morning can be the result of taking medications, for example antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor about further taking these medications. Perhaps, they do not fit your body or exert too much influence on the digestive organs or the liver.

Treatment with a taste of blood in the mouth

The taste of blood is just a symptom that can indicate any abnormalities in the body. To eliminate this phenomenon, care must be taken to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. And first of all, it is necessary to define it. This can be done by a dentist, gastroenterologist, therapist, and in rare cases, by other specialists, such as a cardiologist or pulmonologist.

If this symptom appears as a result of diseases of the oral cavity, then the dentist will appoint you the necessary treatment. It can be:

Early treatment is also important because the taste of blood can mean the onset of a serious illness, for example, diabetes mellitus. It is at the beginning of the development of the disease that a taste of iron, reminiscent of the taste of blood, begins to be felt in the mouth.

If there is a metabolic disorder , because of which the given it is recommended to revise your diet by adding vitamins, trace elements, and sometimes sour-milk products that promote better intestinal motility. It is the intestine that provides the body with an immune defense, and disrupting the work of this organ leads to many disorders.

If the taste of blood appears during pregnancy or with other hormonal changes, for example, during puberty, then this does not require special treatment, except for adding a few iron-containing foods to the daily menu. By eating at least some fresh apples every day, you will make up for a lack of iron, and the taste of blood in your mouth will leave you immediately.