Why does the newborn shudder in a dream?

When the baby peacefully snorts in the crib, my mother is calmly at heart and has a little time to relax. But it happens that the newborn baby shudders in a dream, and the thought immediately creeps in to take the child to the pediatrician. Let's see if the sharp movements in the dream signal the developmental disorders.

What should I do if the child flinches?

The newborn often shudders in a dream and in most cases it is quite normal. The child at this stage only adapts to life outside the mother's tummy, so the reaction to the simplest external stimuli comes immediately. Consider the main reasons why a newborn shudders in a dream.

  1. Often, sharp jerking of crumbs due to overwork. Try for an hour before sleep to calm the baby and put off all the moving games, create a quiet calm atmosphere. When a crumb is very tired, it's hard for him to fall asleep, he starts to cry and as a result starts to sob.
  2. A very common reason why a newborn shudders in a dream is unpleasant sensation in the abdomen. All known colic can disturb the crumb and it starts reflexively lifting the legs from painful sensations.
  3. Sometimes a newborn shudders with sudden sounds. While all the kid's organs adapt and develop, not even loud sounds can scare him during sleep. A crumb can sneeze or hit with a handle on the side of the crib, which will cause a not very loud sound, but enough to shake. Although in most cases, when a newborn shudders with sharp sounds, there is no reason to worry, it is worth watching. If you notice that the child can fall asleep solely in complete silence, and at night wake up to ten times, this is an excuse to go to the doctor. It is possible that the child has nervous disorders.
  4. Some moms notice that their baby shudders when urinating. There is no reason to worry. Even some adults after a long abstinence sometimes shudder when urinating.
  5. If the newborn baby shudders in a dream rhythmically, you can not postpone the visit to the pediatrician. This can be a signal about the problem with the metabolism, which leads to convulsions.