How to help the baby poke?

The problem of constipation in infants is very often a concern for young mothers. A newborn baby, who for a long time can not go to the toilet, begins to worry excessively, push, cry and cry, as a result of which his sleep is visibly disturbed.

Because of this problem, as a rule, the whole family suffers. To avoid this, young parents are eager to help the baby to poke, but often do not know how to do it. In this article, we will tell you which methods exist in order to contribute to the rapid emptying of the baby's intestines.

How can I make a baby poke?

Making the baby roll is best done in such ways as:

  1. If the crumb has already turned 6 months old, you can invite him to drink a little broth from dried apricots. To do this, 2-3 dried fruit should be poured a glass of water, wait until it boils, and then leave the broth on the stove for another 10 minutes. When the product cools down, it must be poured into a bottle and offered to the baby. As a rule, the improvement of the state comes already in 6-12 hours after the use of such a decoction. In the absence of effect, the remedy can be offered to a baby 30-40 ml every 4-5 hours.
  2. Another effective way, how can you make it so that the baby pokes, - give him a small amount of medicinal product Dufalac. This drug is made on the basis of lactulose, so it can be safely offered even to the youngest children. Meanwhile, this drug can have its effect only after a while, so as an emergency method for emptying the intestine, it does not fit.
  3. The most good and safe way is to stimulate the intestinal peristalsis by charging and light massage. Before its beginning it is recommended to apply a warm diaper to the tummy of the crumb, and then gently massage it with the pads of fingers around the navel. After this, the child's legs need to be bent and bent several times, doing an exercise like the well-known "bicycle". In most cases, such actions help to remove gases from the baby's body, which contributes to the emptying of his intestines.
  4. Finally, in the case when nothing else does not help, you can use a gas outlet tube, a glycerin candle or a pharmacy drug, such as Microclax Micro Lax. It should be remembered that these means should not be abused in any case, and before their use it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.