Cracks in the corners of the lips

Cracks in the corners of the mouth appear regardless of the weather on the street and the time of year. This problem is common among men, women and even children. Initially, few people pay attention to cracked lips. But when the cracks become deep and do not heal for a long time, they begin to seriously disturb.

Why do the corners of the lips crack?

Cracks in the corners of the mouth doctors refer to as seizures. They suddenly appear and do not heal for a long time. Do not pay attention to jaits - this is the height of frivolity, because these minor troubles can indicate serious problems in the body.

The main cause of cracks in the corners of the lips is avitaminosis. The lack of B vitamins leads to the fact that the skin becomes drier and the corners of the mouth crack. In addition, cracks appear in the following cases:

If you can not determine the cause that caused the cracks in the corners of your lips, you should consult a specialist.

Cracked skin in the corners of the lips - what to do?

In most cases, you can get rid of zayed yourself at home. Treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips can be based on folk remedies or on medical preparations.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cracks in the corners of the mouth:

  1. 2 tablespoons of honey should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of pork fat and grease the corners of the lips 3 times a day after meals. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator;
  2. Cracks should be lubricated with natural oils - avocado oil, dog rose, sea buckthorn or olive oil;
  3. At night on the cracks in the corners of the mouth should be applied juice of garlic;
  4. The plantain juice helps to heal the cracks.

Those who are skeptical about folk remedies should take medication. Among the known ointments, the most effective from zaed are: "Levomikol", "Ointment Vishnevsky", "Iruksol". In occasion of the most suitable ointment it is necessary to consult with the pharmacist.

If the problem is caused by the peculiarities of the occlusion, you should consult an orthodontist. To date, you can safely fix the bite. This simple operation will not only get rid of cracks, but also make the smile more attractive.

If cracks in the corners of the lips appear constantly and thus there is an itch or burning sensation, self-medication should not be dealt with. In some cases, seizures indicate serious diseases of the body - a precancerous condition and the presence of infections in the body. In order to understand when to alarm, you should pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms: over-dried skin around the mouth, dark circles under the eyes, general deterioration of well-being. In these cases, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible, because timely detection of the disease is the key to successful treatment.