To a child 1 month - the first achievements of the baby and important recommendations for parents

It would seem that one month is a very short period, but for a kid it is a whole life-mark, marked by a number of important changes, the acquisition of new skills. When a child is 1 month old, parents should make every effort not only to properly care for him, but also to develop his physical and psychological abilities.

1 month for a child - weight and height

One of the main issues that worries almost all young mothers is related to the number of newborns in the first month of life. If in the first week the majority of toddlers lose weight (by about 10%), which is due to the presence of an additional supply of fluid in the body when it comes to light, then in the future begins to set the mass of the body. At 3-4 weeks of life under conditions of adequate care, nutrition and absence of pathologies, the weight increases rapidly and stably - every day for 15-30 g.

How much the child weighs in 1 month depends on his initial weight at birth, which increases over a 30-day period by approximately 600-1000 g, sometimes slightly more. It is worth noting that with artificial feeding babies quickly gain weight. According to the norms of the World Health Organization, the average weight of a child in 1 month is:

As for the growth of one-month-old babies, this parameter increases by 3-4.5 units, and average norms are considered to be:

1 month toddler - development

The nervous system of crumbs is still at the initial stage of formation, but he already knows a lot, and the development of the child in 1 month is at an accelerated pace. It is very important that parents realize that one-month-old babies are full participants in all that is happening and are sensitive to the emotional background reigning around them. That's why if there are quiet, joyful mom and dad nearby, the child feels comfortable, and if someone is annoyed and angry, the baby becomes anxious, cries.

What can a child do in 1 month?

In order for the crumb to adapt to the world around and prepare for conscious movements, nature endowed him with important reflexes. In a healthy baby, they are clearly manifested, and if desired, parents can check them (while the child should not be hungry, tired, wet). Let's consider the basic reflexes inherent to the child in 1 month:

  1. Sucker - if a baby gets into the mouth of an object (nipple, nipple), he begins to make rhythmic sucking movements.
  2. Search - with a gentle touch to the cheek and corners of the mouth of crumbs, he pulls out the lower sponge and begins to look for the mother's breast.
  3. Upper protective - if the baby is laid down with his stomach, he immediately turns his head to one side.
  4. Grasping - the baby involuntarily squeezes his hand into the fist and firmly holds the finger, embedded in his palm.
  5. Reflex crawling - when you touch the soles of the baby with your palm in the position on the tummy, he will try to push away, as if making an attempt to creep.
  6. Reflex "automatic" gait - while holding the crumbs vertically and approaching his feet to a solid support, he will make movements with legs resembling walking.

Studying the behavior of a newborn in the first month of life, one can easily learn to understand his needs and desires. Crying is still the only way to communicate with adults, but a close mom can notice that it is not always the same, but has different intonations, volume and so on. So, if the kid does not see anyone nearby, but needs communication, is bored, his crying is characterized by what sounds for a few seconds with small pauses. Hungry crying often gradually recovers loudness, and crying from pain is monotonous, uninterrupted, with periodic amplification of scream.

What many kids already know at this age:

During wakefulness, the crumb performs uncoordinated movements with handles and legs, which is associated with the physiological hypertonia of his muscles, often disappearing by the fourth month of life. Favorite position in the dream is the "frog pose" - lying on his back, bent handles raised up, bent legs spread apart. When the baby lies on the stomach, his knees are pulled to the chest, the handles are bent at the elbows.

Toys for children in 1 month

When the child turns 1 month old, the development of his psychological abilities and motor skills can already be improved through toys. It should be safe and beneficial objects, developing tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception:

In the hands of babies, you can put small toys, cords with knots, ribbons. Drawing on the cardboard black and white geometric shapes, smiling or sad face, it is useful to give him to view such images. In addition, it is important at this age to tell crumbs rhymes, nursery rhymes , short tales, sing songs. It is often necessary to take it in your arms, talk, comment on your actions, name objects around.

Baby food in 1 month

Feeding a month-old baby is the most important ritual, necessary not only for its saturation, but also for close tactile contact with the mother, which gives the baby psycho-emotional comfort. Without a doubt, the most useful is the breastfeeding of a month-old baby, in which the organism receives the maximum amount of valuable substances, and stimulation of all sensory organs occurs.

Breastfeeding in 1 month

Often, when the child is 1 month old, lactation in the mother is already established, and the feeding takes place according to the formed schedule or at the first request. It is equally important to maintain night-time feeding, which guarantees persistent lactation and the production of the most valuable components with milk, produced only at night. How much a child should eat in 1 month with natural feeding depends on his needs, and pediatricians advise that they allow the infants to regulate the duration of application to the breast.

Artificial feeding in 1 month

Feeding a month-old baby with a mixture is used when the mother does not produce milk or for some reason the baby can not or does not want to drink milk. If you suddenly had to stop breastfeeding and go to an artificial one, the question of choosing the right mixture should be discussed with the doctor. It is advisable when feeding the mixture to have crumbs as well as with natural feeding, without depriving him of physical contact. It should be remembered that the amount of the mixture should be dosed. When a child is 1 month old, the daily norm of food makes up a fifth of his weight.

Mixed feeding in 1 month

This kind of feeding is practiced when reduced lactation is observed, lack of nutrients in milk due to maternal health disorders, if it is required to administer medicinal mixtures for the baby. In this case it is important how much the child eats in 1 month, for which the weighing is done before and after feeding. Lack of milk is supplemented with an artificial substitute, which is desirable to offer from a spoon, a syringe without a needle, a pipette.

Child's regime in 1 month

The first month of a newborn's life, like several subsequent ones, is mostly carried out in a dream, but one can begin to accustom it gradually to natural biorhythms. To do this, it is recommended to play and talk with him during the day, and not to over-react at night. By the end of 1 month, the crumb will continue to stay awake longer, and at night sleep tight.

How much does the baby sleep in 1 month?

Sleeping in 1 month is irregular and mostly consists of a phase of shallow fast sleep, so that babies can wake up as suddenly as they fall asleep. The average daily duration of sleep is approximately 18-20 hours, while the waking periods last about 30-60 minutes. In the daytime, the crumb often sleeps 5-8 times. Mom is recommended 1-2 times a day to sleep with the baby to restore their strength.

Walking in 1 month

The regime of the day of the newborn in the first month of life must necessarily include walks in the fresh air. In good weather, both in warm and cold weather, you should go out two or three times a day. The minimum time in the air required for hardening of crumbs, saturation of his body with oxygen, the production of vitamin D - 1,5 hours a day. Using the stroller for walking, during wakefulness one should sometimes hold a baby on his hands, allowing him to view everything around him.