How to teach a child to roll over?

In the first year of life the child makes a strong leap in development. From a helpless screaming baby with a set of chaotic and vague movements, he turns a skilful baby who walks and communicates. One of the main stages on the way to mastering the child by walking is the skill of turning over. The ability to turn the baby on his side, on his stomach and on his back, speaks of the strength of the muscular frame and dexterity.

Children are not born with the knowledge of how to learn how to turn around. This skill is formed due to the emergence of a need, for example, to get a rattle, or better to consider something. The ability to turn in each kid in many ways depends on his physical fitness. There is a complex of special exercises, which is one of the ways how you can quickly teach a child to roll over.

What time does the child start to roll over?

As already mentioned above, the time when a newborn begins to turn over is determined mainly by the strength of his muscular frame. It is believed that the age of 3-4 months is the period when the baby is quite capable of starting to turn on his side. 4-5 months - the time when the child can deftly manage his body and begin to turn over on his stomach and back. These frames are relative, and therefore in each specific case the norm will be the same. So, for example, in the case of tall and large children, the turn-over time on the stomach may be delayed to an age of 5-6 months, since it is more difficult for them to group.

If a child who has reached the age of 6 months can not independently change his position, then this is a serious reason to think about how to teach a child to turn over.

Why does not the child turn over?

Some moms begin to worry about why the child does not turn over, while his young peers have long been trying to crawl. The reasons for this behavior can be:

  1. Neurological disorders , which manifest uneven muscle tone. This can also cause the child to turn only one way. Massage, swimming, special gymnastics for kids will help to solve these problems. More serious cases may require a neurologist to prescribe medications.
  2. Temperament of the child. Children choleric, as well as sanguine, are extremely curious, but because they begin to strive to master space and become mobile. A child with a more relaxed nervous system can have contemplative interests and simply "be lazy."
  3. No need. The child does not want to turn over if he does not have a good motive for this. So, for example, in a family where mom and dad satisfy the child's wishes even before he realized them, it is unlikely that the kid will take the initiative in mastering a new skill.

What should I do to make the child turn over?

To the child turned over, you need to do special gymnastics for newborns , exercises and massage to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and extremities. Effective and exciting are lessons with kids on fitball.

To stimulate the desire of the baby to turn over, take another position, it is recommended to lure it with bright and musical toys. "Lures" should be placed in the zone of visibility, but at a distance, so that he could not immediately get them, and tried to make efforts for this.

How to teach a baby to roll over?

Teach your child to roll on your stomach and back with the following exercises:

  1. Handles of the child are crossed on his chest and bred in the sides. The motor stereotype, obtained with this exercise, will help when flipping from the back to the stomach, when one handle needs to be pressed to the chest, and the other to help yourself roll over.
  2. The left leg is thrown over the right leg, leading to the surface on which the child lies. This movement should induce the baby to end the maneuver, a coup on the stomach. In the other direction the same way.

Usually after mastering the child by the skill of a coup on the stomach after a couple of weeks begins to master the turn on the back.