
Dysthymia is a mental disorder, also called chronic subdepression. She is characterized by such symptoms, which are insufficient indicator for establishing the diagnosis of "depressive disorder on a large scale."

Often this disease manifests itself in a fairly young age. It is important to note that the disorder affects 4.5% of the world's population and, often, women. 20% is the frequency of development of dysthymia in manic-depressive psychosis .

Dysthymia - symptoms

The diagnosis of this mental illness is established only if the symptoms continue for more than two years. Since its origin is not easy to determine, then, as a rule, the patient is correctly diagnosed after many years after the initial stage of development of dysthymia.

So, when it has its beginning in the childhood of a sick person, then he is able to hold the opinion that the notes of depression in his behavior are nothing but traits. He does not consider it necessary to mention this to doctors, close people, his friends.

The difficulty in stating the correct diagnosis is also the factor that dysthymia is able to manifest itself along with other psychological diseases that can "hide" the main symptoms of dysthymic disorder.

So, dysthymia is characterized by 6 main symptoms:

  1. In the emotional background of the patient, discouragement predominates, spleen.
  2. There is a frequent decline in strength.
  3. A person is often visited by thoughts about the meaninglessness of his life .
  4. Low self-esteem is developed.
  5. The past is assessed only from the negative point of view.
  6. Do not see the need for communication. They try to fence themselves off from the outside world.

It will not be superfluous to note that the mental illness in some patients is accompanied by the following symptoms of the physical plan:

  1. Dyspnea.
  2. Insomnia, sleep disturbance.
  3. Constipation.
  4. Bad feeling.
  5. Tearfulness.

Cause of disease

Dysthymia occurs in people of a constitutional-depressive type. Their nervous system, its device is the root cause of the disorder. Such individuals have disrupted the production of serotonin, a hormone of good mood.

This predisposition turns into a disease in the case when adverse conditions prevail in a person's life (for example, failures, lack of moral support from close people, life losses, grief).

Dysthymia - treatment

Depending on the age of the disease, its symptoms and the general condition of the patient, the doctor attributes certain drugs. Basically, these are antidepressants. They are selective (for example, Prozac) or reversible inhibitors (aurorix).

Recommended family, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. It is also useful to add individual group therapy to individual psychotherapy, which allows sick people to develop communicative skills, to increase self-confidence and ability to be independent of the phenomena of the world around them, to regulate their behavior without any help, bearing responsibility for this.

Prevention of the disorder

Since the disease can develop already in childhood, it is necessary to detect it in a timely manner in the baby. It is necessary to increase self-esteem in the child, to teach him calmness in stressful life situations.

Cyclothemia and dysthymia

Cyclothymia has similar symptoms with dysthymia. Is also a psychic device. Characterized by the fact that a person can experience changes in mood (a fine line between depression, which is close to dysthymia and hypertension, persistent upbeat mood).

It is important to detect the symptoms of this disease in time. Do not make hasty conclusions, assuring yourself that depressing thoughts is part of the character.