Grapes of Arkady

For sure, everyone knows the sort of delicious table grapes Arcadia. But very few people know that the variety of this berry is derived through the crossing of two other species. "Parents" for this variety were the grapes "Cardinal" and "Moldova". These berries do not leave anyone indifferent, because the taste is simply delicious. Do you want to know more about this magnificent variety, as well as its other varieties, more?

General information about the variety

The description of the grape variety of Arkady should start with the fact that it is very prolific both in terms of yield and quantity of shoots. Ripen berries very quickly (120 days), have a fairly large size. The weight of the largest bunches reaches two kilograms. The shape of the berries is oblong, the flesh is dense, moderately sweet, pleasant to the taste. The skin on the fruits is quite strong, but at the same time very thin. This variety has excellent resistance to disease . During one season, only two sprinkles are sufficient. Because of the large size of berries and their thin skin, the fruits begin to crack, if the moisture content in the soil changes constantly. The grade differs quite good resistance to negative temperatures, easily tolerates frosts to -20 degrees. Shrubs of this variety have perfectly developed roots. Root the cuttings of Arcadia simply. Cuttings of both short and long types are allowed. To date, Arkady brand has been recognized by consumers, enjoys excellent demand.

As you can see, this class has a lot of positive qualities, that's why Arkady is a welcome guest on every home plot. Let's look at the subtleties of its cultivation.

Cultivation and care

And now more about the cultivation of Arkady grapes, because you really want to grow a delicious and fragrant berry on your site. Let's start with planting seedlings.

To begin with, prepare seedlings for planting. To do this, we make fresh cuts of root tips, put them for two days in a growth stimulant solution. Now we pass to the second phase: we sterilize sawdust of non-conifers with steep boiling water, wait until they cool down, and then fill them with seedlings in a prepared container. After about two weeks, buds should come alive - this means that the plant is ready for planting in the ground. We prepare a landing pit, it should have an impressive size (up to a cubic meter). At its bottom we place 250 grams of potassium fertilizers, as well as about 400 grams of phosphate fertilizers. Now we make a pillow of equal proportions of sifted sand, chernozem and humus. The mixture should occupy half the volume of the pit. We smear the seedling with a so-called "talker", plant it, cover it with a layer of soil. The first pruning of grapes Arcadia spend already on the first year of a life. In case the plant has allowed only one escape, it is cut off, leaving five kidneys, and if two, then on each of them three kidneys are left.

In the care of grapes Arcadia unpretentious. In a timely manner, apply moderate doses of universal berry fertilizers during the growing season , do not allow the soil to dry out. Here, perhaps, and all that is worth knowing at first. Do not forget that for the winter young plants need to be sheltered, because in our latitudes there are often severe frosts that can ruin a plant.

Varieties of grapes Arkady pink, Arcadia black, Arcadia new are similar in their properties and taste with the described variety. The difference is in the color and size of the berries, as well as the maturation period. Of course, each of these varieties is worthy to be planted on your site. The berries of Arcadia are very tasty, and besides, you will not have to wait for the harvest for a long time, because they start to bear fruit very early.