Cultural center in Viña del Mar

Viña del Mar is a garden town, a resort town in which there are several interesting sights. One of them is the Cultural Center of Viña del Mar. It is very popular among locals, as it is the center of their cultural life. He attracts tourists with his history and architecture.

Description of the cultural center

Viña del Mar is like a continuation of Valparaiso , as if it were two districts of one city. Only Varparaíso is a place to work, and Viña del Mar is a place to relax. This is a holiday village on the ocean. Its peculiarity lies in architecture - the mansions of wealthy people side by side stand next to the multi-apartment high-rises of ordinary Chileans who, at an affordable price, could buy accommodation in a cozy town.

Avenida Libertad is a beautiful palace, built in the early twentieth century in a classical style. It is called the palace of Carrasco. In this building is the Cultural Center of Viña del Mar. The building has an interesting history. It was built for himself by some rich man, whose name no one remembers. The circumstances of his life have changed, and he has not lived in this house for a day. The building was almost immediately in the hands of the municipality and there they organized the Cultural Center. Since that time, concerts, exhibitions, theatrical performances, conferences have been held in the Center. Another cultural center is famous for its library, which bears the name of Benjamir Vicuña McKenna, the man who wrote the book "What the Inquisition Was in Chile ", he was involved in the search for manuscripts related to the Inquisition and replenished the library. He was also an ardent supporter of the creation of the municipality of Viña del Mar in 1879. Within the walls of the Cultural Center, the library exists since November 1976. Here you can find dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases and general literature, altogether about 20 000 volumes. Virtually all the inhabitants of Viña del Mar use the services of this library.

How to get there?

A bus departs from Santiago to Valparaiso every 15 minutes. By the city itself you can drive a cart or walk on foot.