How to tie tomatoes?

To obtain an excellent harvest for a long time we all loved the tomato, we need to give them enough attention and surround with care. Tying is one of the necessary measures for the care of tomatoes, regardless of whether they grow in a greenhouse or in an open bed . In this article, we'll look at how to tie tomatoes better by comparing different ways.

Why bother tie tomatoes?

Tying is a laborious process and takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore I would like to be sure that this procedure is so necessary. Let's think about what will happen to tomatoes if they are not tied up:

As we see, without tying anything good from our tomatoes will not grow, and it turns out that we have wasted time, effort and money to grow or buy seedlings, care, watering, weeding and other activities.

Tying tomatoes, you will see that it has become much more pleasant both from an aesthetic point of view, and from the point of view of the convenience of harvesting. And the harvest, believe me, after the tying will be excellent.

Ways of tying tomatoes

Regardless of how you grow tomatoes - in a greenhouse, in the open ground or in a pot on the windowsill, there are several ways how to tie tomatoes:

  1. Tying on pegs . This method is the most common. To implement it you need a lot of wooden pegs (according to the number of bushes tomato). Their height should be calculated for maximum growth of bushes considering that you will drive pegs into the ground about 20 cm. Ideally, the height of the pegs should be at least 90 cm. Also, you need to prepare a dressing material - kapron tights, cotton fabric, chopped on the flaps. Ropes, wire and fishing line is extremely undesirable, as they dig into the stems and damage the plant. To the peg driven at a distance of 20 cm from the bush, it is necessary to gently tie a bush, making it as close to the top as possible. As the bush grows, you must tie it back to the support, but higher.
  2. Tapeworm or linear way . It consists in the fact that the pins are not located at each bush, but at the ends of the bed, between them the rope, wire or the reeds are nailed, to which our tomato bushes will be tied. Tie you need all the same long rags. The trellis method is suitable for large-fruited and abundantly fertile tomato varieties. The method is very convenient because all subsequent care will consist in a timely garter of grown up bushes and stepsons to horizontal trellises.
  3. Garter in a latticed way . The process is very similar to the second option, with the difference that between the driven stakes you form several horizontal rows of wire, forming a lattice. In it, tomatoes will be fixed from two sides, while between two wires. To achieve this, you need to shift the top in the opposite direction as the bushes grow, as if in a checkerboard pattern. This method is very good for especially tall tomatoes.

Whichever way you tie your tomatoes, it guarantees you an increase in yield, an increase in the period of fruiting, a more effective use of the garden. Fruits will grow better and ripen due to excellent light and ventilation, besides they will be better protected from late blight and other diseases.