Indoor balm

Many fans of domestic plants on the windowsill have a beautiful tropical flower - room balsam. The birthplace of this plant is Zanzibar. In Europe, it was introduced back in 1596, and has since become very popular.

The flower room balsam forms droplets of sweetish liquid along the edges of leaves, for which it was nicknamed Vanka wet. The plant is unpretentious and very easy to care for. Balsamin perfectly reproduces and has flowers of beautiful gentle shades.

Varieties of indoor balsam

In total, there are more than 500 different species of this plant. But in home floriculture used only some of them.

Indoor flower balsam Waller or Waller, as it is also called - a herbaceous plant with erect stems, reddish or brownish leaves, and also collected in small inflorescences with double flowers.

Based on Waller's balsam , many hybrids were removed. For example, balsam Tempo FT - a plant larger and blooming a little earlier. Flowers have a beautiful apricot or pink shades. Terry flowers of room balsam of different colors Stardust FT have a bright border and a silvery patina on the petals. The balsam of the Fiesta F1 series blooms in double, very beautiful, like small roses, flowers. All hybrids of this species like moisture, light and heat, however, from bright sunlight plants should necessarily pritenyat. He does not like balsam and drafts very much.

Another type of room balsam is New Guinea hybrids, characterized by fleshy leaves of bright color, and also larger flowers with a rich color. Escape from this plant species strongly Branch, flowers have a characteristic spur. The Paradise balsam hybrid has mottled or bright green leaves, and the petals of the flowers are distinguished by a variety of bright colors. For the balsam of Java are characterized by shiny bronze leaves and large bright flowers. Room balsam Rainforest Exotic has flowers of two tones. New Guinea hybrids bloom almost constantly. They are extremely hardy, love moisture, but you can not over-fill them. In winter it is recommended to water twice a week, and in summer - often, but little by little.

As a ground cover plant in home floriculture, Impatiens repens creeping balsam is used. He has creeping shoots of a reddish hue, having small leaves and bright yellow flowers.