Dahlias - planting and care

Growing in your flower garden such beautiful flowers as dahlias , anyone can do - just know the simple rules of caring for these plants. They brought to us from Mexico and have long taken a place in our hearts. Anemone, needle, pion-shaped, globose, and many others - they are able to please us with all possible colors.

When to plant dahlias?

Planting and caring for dahlias begins in the spring, when the soil warms up well, and freezes pass. If you want flowers as early as possible, you should build a temporary shelter over planting and arrange them in a dry, sunny place.

The tubers should be divided so that the bush is not too powerful, because it will still have to be patsy. Do this carefully so as not to damage the planting material. Before pouring tubers into the soil, they are treated with manganese solution for 20 minutes to disinfect the future plant.

Pit for tubers should be large enough so that they do not break when planted. A generous layer of humus is poured into the bottom of the pit, for dahlias are very responsive to organic fertilizing. Too deep does not need to immerse the tuber, because it will continue to germinate for a very long time. Many growers before planting take out from the basement tubers and put them in a sunny place, warming up to quickly wake the plant from hibernation. As soon as a fragile young sprout appears, you should start planting.

Caring for dahlias in the garden

Since the plant dahlias are very fragile, then after planting, you should immediately provide for how they will be tied up, so that the juicy hollow stems do not break from the strong wind.

From time to time it is necessary to add plants to the infusion of mullein - then the dahlias will be large and without defects. Watering should also be done regularly, because in a dry ground plant with a superficial root system it will be difficult to extract moisture and tubers can wrinkle. The main event for the care of dahlias is pasynkovanie, that is, breaking off unnecessary processes in the lateral sinuses. This will have to be done throughout the summer period, because the plant is very prolific. You should leave only two stems, and then you will get large inflorescences. After fading, the dried heads are removed.

Dig up rhizomes before the onset of frost, because plants are very sensitive to them and die at the slightest drop in temperature. Stuffed tubers in the basement at t 3-5 ° C in sawdust, sand or wrapped in cellophane.

As you can see, planting dahlia and caring for them are quite simple, as well as reproduction. To get several bushes of the same species in autumn, after digging or in spring before planting, the tubers are separated from each other by a sharp shovel, and the cut is sprinkled with pounded coal.