Chicken litter as a fertilizer

Chicken manure is an effective and natural fertilizer. This organic fertilizing for plants is considered among the most valuable gardeners, for example, in terms of chemical composition, it is 3 times more saturated with chemical elements than manure from cattle. Bird droppings contain approximately 2% nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium, and 1% potassium. Also, natural fertilizer is rich in trace elements: copper, cobalt, manganese, and zinc are included. Feeding with chicken litter causes active growth, flowering and ovary formation in plants. In addition, bird droppings have a surprisingly rapid impact on the plant - the results are visible after one to two weeks. Also, even once-applied top dressing affects crop yields, at least for the next two years.

Top dressing with chicken droppings

Fresh chicken manure is toxic to plants. To reduce the adverse effect, it is recommended to make it together with peat, wood chips or straw. On the elevated platform laid layer of the base, for example, sawdust. From above distributes the litter layer of 20 cm, again sawdust, and again litter. The height of the collar can reach 1 m. In order to muffle an unpleasant smell, the top can be pelted with a layer of straw and earth. The compost will be ready in 1.5 months.

How to breed chicken manure?

To prepare liquid fertilizing, you need to know how to dilute the dry chicken droppings. Fresh chicken manure is bred in a bucket in the proportion of 1:15. If the litter in the solution is more, then the plants can get burned. The solution is applied to vegetable crops in the calculation of 0,5 - 1 l per plant. It is best to apply the fertilizer immediately after the rain or a few hours after watering the plants.

Infusion of chicken manure

In a ratio of 1: 1, water is added to the fertilizer, the container with the solution is closed and insisted for several days in a warm place, so that the fertilizer is fermented. The solution obtained in this way before use is again diluted with water - for 10 liters of water, 1 liter of infusion. Due to the high concentration, this solution does not decompose, and it can be used gradually throughout the warm season.

Dry chicken droppings

Dry chicken droppings as fertilizer are introduced into the ground during digging, usually after harvesting in autumn. Experienced gardener give advice on how to properly fertilize chicken droppings. They advise the place chosen for the future planting place 3 to 5 kg of slightly moistened litter on 5 m2. Fertilizer should be tried to spread evenly, leveling with rakes on the surface of the soil. It is desirable to add to the litter sand, wood ash, compost and leave fertilized beds until the spring digging.

Granulated chicken manure

If there is no possibility to purchase natural bird droppings, it is always possible to buy pre-packaged chicken droppings in granules. Granulated manure has a number of advantages:

Granulated chicken droppings are introduced into the soil for top dressing at a rate of 100 to 300 g per square meter, sprinkling the granules with soil. In this case it is necessary to take into account that neither seeds nor seedlings should touch the fertilizer.

With all the useful properties, chicken manure can not be considered a universal fertilizer. For example, in order to increase the yield of potatoes and some other root crops that prefer potassium fertilizers, in addition to litter, potassium chloride should be added at a rate of 100 g per 1 kg of bird droppings.