Married lover

Few women like to share their men with another, even if this other is his lawful wife. Despite this, it often happens that a woman, starting a relationship with a married man, very often falls in love with him. In this case, she wants to occupy the main place in his life, to all excuses acquaintances brush aside only the phrase: "Yes, I meet a married man " and continues to seek his attention. But as practice shows a married man is very rarely able to leave his family, divorce his wife, just to be with her mistress.

How to quit a married lover?

If your lover is a married man, then romance with him only in the beginning can seem like a fairy tale. Yes, in your relationship there is also romance, tenderness and many other positive moments that are completely absent from family life. But do not forget that for him, contrary to all his words, the wife and family will always be in the first place, and you in his life exist as a pleasant leisure.

How to forget a married lover?

If you are determined to break off any relationship, but do not know how to get away from a man , then you have to do a little work on yourself.

  1. Understand that you were the victim of a novel with a ringed person already. There is such a type of women who feel a great need to be loved. And they are the victims, or rather the mistresses of married men. It is because of your complexes about the fact that no one except you will not fall in love with him, a man will still drive you for a long time and give empty promises.
  2. Increase your self-esteem. In a relationship with a married lover, only a woman with low self-esteem can get involved, and the need to share a loved one with another woman further lowers her. Go to a reception to a psychologist, leave in your circle those people who inspire and support you.
  3. Do not be afraid to put the question squarely. You, as a woman, have the right to personal happiness, so do not be afraid to put the question of divorce on edge. If a man divorces, you will have a new family, and if he refuses, you will know about the frivolity of his intentions towards you.

Now you probably know how to get away from a married lover if you understand that all of his promise is nothing but empty words.

To date, the phrase married wife of a married woman does not surprise anyone, because there are not a few couples who do not burden each other with marital fidelity and quite normally treat treason. They believe that sex on the side is only one of the opportunities to relax, and not as a threat to their family life.

A married young lover for a married woman is a way to prove to oneself a sexual attraction reinforced by the experience gained in marital relationships.

How to keep a married lover?

If you belong to the number of women who despite everything want to keep a married man, then for this there are several proven funds for centuries.

  1. Sex. Men change to diversify their married sex life, so passionate sex is exactly what will make him come back to you again and again.
  2. Entertainment. While you share with a man his interests and fascination you will be a part of his world.
  3. Self-evaluation. Men are not surprisingly vulnerable creatures, so here the lover acts as a balm for the soul after quarrels and insults from the wife.

Psychology of a married lover

Psychologists say that a man who wants to make a romance on the side feels insecure and suffers from personal instability, he needs moral support and replenishment with the positive emotions that he receives from his mistress.

How to make a married lover jealous?

At a time when a woman begins to feel threatened to be abandoned, she strives to evoke a feeling of jealousy in her married lover. To do this, you can use a good, proven method and stop calling a man. He, in turn, immediately notice the lack of the former attention on your part and according to his male nature will begin to be jealous.