The motto of the family

The word "motto" takes its roots from the Latin "devidere", which means "to share". The meaning of the name suggests that the motto - usually one of the components of the banner or the coat of arms - was always located outside the main elements depicted on them. As a rule, a special motto ribbon (or part of it) was taken for the motto, occupying a separate space allocated for it on the field of the emblem or banner.

Such concepts as the family coat of arms and its motto invariably lead us back to History, and there is nothing strange about it: even in Ancient Rome, the motto of the family defined the foundations that guided all its members and spoke much about the history and merits of this family. As for the Latin mottos - the sentiments of the Eternal City - they later became the basis for the mottos of many countries.

There are three kinds of mottoes:

How relevant is the concept of the motto of the family in our time? For a huge number of families in European countries, it never lost its relevance: in them, from generation to generation, the family coat of arms and its motto were kept unchanged.

If you ask why the motto of the family is needed at all, and what is its meaning, the answer may surprise you a little. A thought or word expressed aloud acquires an independent life and begins to search persistently for the ways for its incarnation. Repeated by someone repeatedly, they, in due course, acquire the ability to largely determine the course of the fate of the speaker.

Therefore, the motto of the family, transferred from one family to another, is able to control and guide the actions and life path of each generation. It is very unlikely that a man whose family motto for centuries (even decades!) Was the words "Honor is more precious than life", can act unworthily. In other words, the motto gives quite a lot of information about the family and its members. Especially important may be a motto for a young family, and it's perfectly understandable: the words they have chosen as their motto for their family will lead them through life.

Do not be lazy and think about what, in your opinion, best reflects the essence of your family? What image? Which character? What phrase or word? Do you represent your family in a united, unbroken ball? Find the motto describing a happy family! All members of the family are not at all lazy, and very fond of playing sports? Choose the motto that speaks about a sports family!

What if the family is both friendly and athletic? There are two exits. Either choose one, the general motto of the family, reflecting both, and another feature. Or choose two separate mottos: one motto is for a friendly family, and the second motto is for a sports family. They can perfectly coexist together.

If the family has children, just think about the children's mottoes of the family. Such mottoes fall under the definition of a personal motto. Personal motto was and has all the statesmen and outstanding personalities of History.

Personal motto can vary throughout the life of its owner, and be not only permanent, but also temporary - when it is put forward only for a specific situation.

The children's motto of your family can have a hint of a joke, while the baby is not very grown up, but after a while it's better to replace it with a more serious symbol. Perhaps you will like the motto "Obliged - it means I can!", Which led the life of Alexander Suvorov.

In addition to the motto of your family, you can come up with a name for yourself, which will also express your credo. The name and motto of the family, decorated clearly and with a soul, will look appropriate in any part of your apartment. They will come to tell that in this house there live people who are protecting and loving their home and each other. And to you the motto of the family will become just a silent and faithful assistant in life.

We offer you several mottos that you can use for sports competitions and family competitions, comic mottoes for the family, as well as slogans that will take a worthy place on your family coat of arms:

While we are united, we are invincible!

Our strong family is both brave and strong!

Dad, Mom, I'm a friendly family!

Young family - first-year students of this social institution of society.

A happy marriage is not against each other

With rapiers ... and not to the back - back.

A happy marriage - when the motto of the couple:


Believe me, Bukin is not a fictional character!

We are one - our family is indestructible!

Our motto is always the same - do not destroy, do not betray!

We are strong and courageous, we strive for victory!

By successes of each other we are all very proud!

Family traditions are more valuable for us.

Care and attention - and we will be met with success!

Family is trust, love and kindness,

Family is continuity, advice and beauty!

We live, we cherish our love,

We can do everything - after all, we are a family!

Our family is united and united,

So she is invincible!

The motto of a happy family: Your dreams are my worries!

FAMILY - correct, teach, make!

Family is work, care for each other,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it's impossible to live alone alone!

Our strong family is both brave and strong!

The family is the school in which the "I" is born and brought up

The motto for the competition is this:

Live in harmony with yourself,

Do not hurt your family

And the memory of ancestors respect!

Our future in children

Only give them the best!

And with love to our children

We must build, revive!

Our friendly family,

Performs all joking.

That's why we know:

We will get prizes!

Our dad is the strongest,

A mother - all beautiful,

Therefore, kiddies

As we are and are not happier!

Our family loves sports and nature

In the summer, she dips into the water,

We are seasoned, smart, strong,

And that's why we are so happy!

Our family is under the motto: we can do it!

All will win, we will prove it to you!

The family is what we live for!

Family is what's with you forever!

Everything in the family, everything for the benefit of the family

Our motto of the family is: mutual understanding, mind, friendship and love!

For a happy family

Live in love and very friendly!

Mom and Dad help

And understand each other!

Let the family be happy! After all, Dad, Mom, Sister and I are together!

Father and mother and children amicably

They sit at the festive table,

And together they are not bored at all,

And interesting five.

The sun shines to us always:

Both in winter and in summer.

Because we are family.

We are proud of this!

We dream to live until the golden wedding and the end of the mortgage!

A young family is when the wedding money is not over.

The marital debt is still paid regularly!

One name, one fridge, one bathroom in the morning!

The land to the peasants, the factories to the workers, the TV remote control to the papa.

All honestly! Whoever is last eats the frying pan.

Ties of marriage and kinship

Stronger than even in House-2

Faster! Higher! Stronger! Here is a far incomplete list of the reproaches of the wife, when her husband does something about the house.