Distribution of duties in the family

A quiet family nest? It is unlikely, most likely, the field, where the harvesting is in full swing. Cooking, washing, cleaning, family members do not consider it necessary even to wash a cup for themselves. Common situation? The problem of allocating responsibilities in the family is not new, many couples with children and without difficulty find a solution to this situation. When it comes to the alimony rights and responsibilities of family members, they can be enforced through the courts, and what should be done with household issues? You will not stand with a whip above everyone, forcing to take part in household chores.

How to distribute responsibilities in the family?

Of course, there are families in which the rights and duties of their members are distributed by themselves, there is no need for any efforts to establish order in the house. But such unions are not so frequent, and it is not easy for two people to agree on who gets the garbage on what day, and when the children appear, the situation is completely out of control. But ways to get out of the problem period exist, here are a few ways to share responsibilities in the family, you need to choose the one that is more suitable for your family by temperament and character.

  1. You can go on the path of least resistance - do everything in turn, one week, another week.
  2. There is a variant of the traditional division of responsibilities in the family - the wife at home is busy, the husband earns money. Not a bad option, when the husband is the head of the family, the stone wall, the defender and the getter. But such an order is unlikely to suit families in which the spouse dominates or equality reigns.
  3. If a wife builds a career and brings a large part of the family budget, it is quite natural that she has almost no time for cooking and cleaning. In this case, there are only two ways out - the husband becomes a housewife or household duties are assigned to the employee.
  4. With equality in the family (that is, material security rests on the shoulders of both spouses), and responsibilities should be equally divided. Let everyone in the family do what they can and can. Cooking should be the one who knows how to do it, everyone can wash the dishes (except for small children and bedridden patients), may take part in the cleaning and grown up children and husband.

Discuss on the family council the issue of distribution of duties, just do not agree out of kindness again to carry the whole heap of domestic cares.