Aising at home - recipe

Aising is a mixture for making ornaments for confectionery, as well as for drawing patterns on gingerbread and biscuits. In the classical version, the aysing is made from protein and powdered sugar with the addition of lemon juice. This mixture is used most often for drawing or creating fragile patterns. For the preparation of flexible aysing or sweet "lace" more complex combinations are used.

We will consider both options for the preparation of an aysing in our recipes.

Aising for biscuits - a recipe for cooking at home



To prepare the aysing, we will use raw egg white. Therefore, before breaking the egg, we wash the shell well with soap. Separating the protein from the yolk, put it in the bowl, add the lemon juice and blend to uniformity with a fork or a halo, but do not whisk. We do not need to get an airy protein mass, otherwise aysing will be saturated with air bubbles, which will negatively affect its quality.

In a mixture of protein and lemon juice, add sugar powder and mix well. If there is a need to get a multi-colored aysing, then divide the white mass into the desired number of parts, add to each food color and mix until smooth color is obtained.

Now we spread the mixture over the confectionery bags and proceed to drawing.

The prepared mixture in its pure form is used for drawing dots, stripes and patterns. If you want to pour an aysing surface of the liver, then first outline the contour, and then a small portion of it diluted with a few drops of boiled water to make a mixture, without difficulty spreading over the surface. We fill it with certain parts of the cookie outlined by the contour and let it dry completely.

From this aysing, you can also make various three-dimensional shapes or patterns and then apply them to decorate cakes. To do this, use the printed stencils, putting them in a file, on which we draw patterns, repeating their contours on the stencil, and then after complete drying carefully remove.

You can also make incredibly effective balls from aysing. To do this, we put the mixture on the oiled surface of the inflated balloon of the desired size, let it dry completely, and then gradually gently blow off the ball and extract it from the resulting aysing sphere.

How to make your own hands flexible aysing at home?

To prepare flexible aysing at home, you will need a special mat, some handling skills and some not so common components that can be ordered in specialized online stores.



Initially, we combine starch, fructose, pectin, white dye and mix well. Fifty milliliters of room temperature water are poured into a bowl, pour into it a dry base, stir and let stand for thirty minutes. After the time has elapsed, mix the mass, add invert syrup into it and stir again. In a tablespoon we combine food glycerine and polysorbate-80, pour it into a common container and mix again.

We spread the resulting mixture on a flexible aysing mat and send it to a heated oven for one hundred degrees, for ten minutes. Then remove the mat, let it cool down for ten minutes and carefully remove the resulting flexible pattern, carefully separating it gradually from the rug.

The resulting flexible aysing can be used to decorate cakes, applying it over the mastic or glaze, or forming desired decorations from it.

Flexible aysing or, as it is also called, Sugarvale, can be prepared from an already prepared mixture that is available in specialized stores, but the cost of such an ornament is much higher than that prepared from a self-made mixture.

Now you know what an aysing is and how to cook it at home. A little patience, endurance and, of course, desires and your products, decorated with cooked aysing, will be simply irresistible.