Why does the husband insult and humiliate his wife - psychology

Very often in family relationships there are situations when the husband insults his wife. Why a husband insults and humiliates his wife - psychology , as a science, can not give an unambiguous answer to this question. Here everything depends on the specific situation and on what were the relations of partners at the beginning of family life.

The husband calls and humiliates - advice of a psychologist

Before using a specific advice, it is necessary to understand why a husband insults and humiliates his wife. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Further - some of them.

  1. The husband feels that someone is beginning to encroach on his personal freedom and space. How to respond to insults of a husband - the advice of a psychologist in this case is reduced to stop training a man and give him more freedom. Fishing, kebabs and rest with friends, this is something that almost no man can do without.
  2. Another common reason for insults is the unconscious lack of a man's willingness to marry. Most often this phenomenon is observed in couples where the spouses have entered into an early, ill-considered union. After some time, the wedding field , the husband may find that he is not ready for the difficulties associated with marital life, or even at all - to understand that he does not like the one with whom he connected his life.
  3. On the third place in the list of the most frequent causes of insults, jealousy sits proudly. Very often a man begins to be jealous of his wife, is not ready for a frank conversation. As a result, all is hushed up, but doubts and grievances continue to be tormented by the spouse. As a result, he begins to humiliate and insult his woman.
  4. Another reason why a husband insults and humiliates is his acceptance of this attitude towards women in general. Perhaps that's how his father once treated his mother. As a result, a man from childhood considers such behavior to be the norm. By the way, if a husband insults his wife for this reason - it is better to immediately think about divorce.

In all other cases, you should calmly and gently bring a man to a frank conversation. In doing so, remember that some men may perceive your attempts to talk, as a way to manipulate them. Therefore, it is best to make sure that the man decided that it was he, and not you, who initiated this conversation.

In most cases, the conflict can be resolved peacefully. If not, remember that you will not be forced by force.