The generator of evil and deadly viruses: the cave of Kitum

The cave in Africa has learned to kill people and absorb animals without a trace!

On the border of Kenya and Uganda, in the bowels of the extinct volcano of Mount Elgon is a cave that causes horror not only among the local poorly educated population, but also among the learned men. An ominous depression in the rock does not promise people and animals anything except deadly viruses and mysterious disappearances.

How did the terrible history of the cave of Kitum begin?

In 1987, near the largest lake in Victoria, Victoria, a young Dane named Peter Cardinal collected mountain minerals. He spent several days next to the cave, although he did not notice her. Arriving home, he felt ill and immediately put in a hospital with a strange viral disease. The boy's mother spent all available money on translations of one son from one clinic to another, because none of the doctors could find an effective medicine ...

Peter's body was covered with red spots, whites of the eyes were filled with blood, and the liver refused to work. A few days later black-and-blue bruises came to the spot of blemishes, which began to bleed. In the end, the blood was diluted so much that a cerebral hemorrhage occurred, which killed the young scientist.

Shocked by the rapid death of Peter, the doctors began to study his blood in the laboratory. Even the US Army Biological Weapons Research Center showed interest in the samples obtained from the deceased. Specialists gave the virus the name "Marburg fever" - it has the highest degree of danger due to rapid spread and lack of treatment.

Perhaps the example of Peter would be considered a hoax, if the story did not happen again with the Frenchman Charles Monet, a working technician at a sugar factory in Kenya. The man went down into the cave and also became a victim of a disease that is rapidly diluting blood. The conclusions were obvious: the lives of both patients crossed only once - in the cave of Kitum.

Did the cave open its secrets?

There was only one group of researchers who were not afraid to enter the cave, which opened the account to their victims. The team, led by Professor Eugene Johnson, received a clear instruction - not to approach the cave without special equipment. Hermetic suits with artificial air supply and excessive pressure had to prevent the slightest possibility of penetration of viruses into spacesuits.

In order not to die from a deadly virus, scientists took with them "live detectors" - guinea pigs and monkeys. For two months the researchers worked in the cave, hoping that the Marburg fever will manifest at least one of the animals and it will be possible to study the mechanism of its development. When all the animals were prepared, it turned out that none of them was affected by the virus. Scientists only managed to find out that the AIDS virus also occurred from the deaf Kenyan forests, in which hundreds of poorly studied microorganisms live.

And the strange fever seemed to have sunk into oblivion: no one else was infected with it even in a cave, the carrier could not be found. A few years later, the same head of the research team, Johnson, heard from an animal trader that his monkeys were dying of bleeding. The virus appeared out of nowhere on the outskirts of Washington! Johnson managed to destroy it with the help of troops and all the same protective suits. After all 450 monkeys were killed, scientists were able to conduct new experiments and learn that the virus overtakes a person through the air.

Why do animals disappear in a cave?

If people in the cave are deadly sick, then the animals disappear forever. Every spring and autumn elephants, buffaloes, antelopes and other animals come to the cave of Kitum - they are attracted by a salt deposit on the walls of the cleft, rich in minerals and nutrients. The cave with a single outlet "lets" them inward, but absorbs forever.

People who visited Kitum, could not even find traces of their remains. The only scientific hypothesis, openly attracted to the ears, is based on the possible existence of certain bacteria that turn living organisms into glue, when drying forms salt crystals. The animal turns into a homogeneous petrified mass, which crumbles even with a slight blow of the breeze. But is the existence of such bacteria really real?

A much more truthful version of ufologists, confident in the existence in the cave of Kitum of a special energy field that incinerates the body with the help of electromagnetic waves of a unique frequency, looks much more truthful.