How to draw a route from home to school?

For the safety of the child's movement on the way from home to school and back, parents need to know how to draw this route on paper as a visual aid. In some educational institutions this is an official requirement for each student, and a draft plan is put in the student's portfolio.

Let's look at a simple version of how to make a route from home to school. First, parents draw it, and after that they study on the ground with the child. In high school, the student does it himself.

Master-class: how to draw a route from home to school

For this simple work we will need: a sheet of A4 paper, a ruler, a simple and colored pencils:

  1. On a sheet of paper, make a frame a little less than the sheet itself, having retreated from the edge about one and a half centimeters. Two lines distinguish the roads - a long main and short adjoining. Rectangles denote the residential buildings of the district, one of which is the house in which the student lives.
  2. Lines of a different color draw pedestrian paths on both sides of the road. They should already be the roadway. In the upper corner we mark the outline of the schoolyard and the school building itself.
  3. With the help of crosses, we mark the end points - home and school. We connect them with a dotted line. In the place where the child crosses the road, we draw a zebra and the designation of traffic lights.
  4. On different sides of the roadway we draw other real estate objects, past which the child will pass every day - a large hypermarket, and across the street small shops. An incorrect semicircular line marks the park area near the school.
  5. On the free part of the sheet, just opposite the house where the schoolboy lives, we mark the stadium and the pedestrian crossing equipped with traffic lights. The child should know that you can get there only by going through the zebra.
  6. Then color our route, indicating the child, how to go from home to school, which is not difficult to draw. Red dotted line we mark the way, houses, school, park, stadium, shops - everything should be of different colors.
  7. Now, in clear large letters, we sign the objects.

As you can see, portraying the route from home to school is quite simple. Passing with such a card in his hands along the indicated route, the child will be easier to remember dangerous areas.