Qigong for the spine

Qigong is the ancient Chinese Taoist teaching, which is aimed at working with energy. Actually, this is exactly how the mysterious name is translated: "qi" - energy, "gun" - work, skill.

The very process of working on a subtle body (energy) passes through the prism of physical exercises - slow, smooth, safe. Today we will consider the use of Qigong for the spine by the example of several classical exercises.


First of all, we will answer ourselves to the question, to whom is Qigong gymnastics useful for the spine, or, more correctly, to whom is it necessary, like oxygen?

  1. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle - sitting at work, on their way home and at work sitting, at home, again at the computer - sitting, all this leads to the fact that the muscular corset of the spine weakens, atrophies, and the backbone itself has an unbearable load. Your whole body begins to sweat, "hands" and legs are twisted, and any indecent crunch of joints is heard in any motion.
  2. Stooped - stoop is the result of the above described atrophied muscles, as well as clamped nerves that do not allow straightening the back. Exercises for the spine of Qigong will strengthen your tendons and muscles, and also relieve tension from the spinal nerves.
  3. Injured - if you have ever had an injury, you know that the muscles in this place for a long time retain tension, as if for safety reasons, as a result of which your ability to move falls. If your injuries do not give you the opportunity to engage in active sports, qigong is the safest way to restore your former mobility.
  4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - usually we suffer back pains until they become unbearable. And then it turns out that we already have a diagnosis and it's time to go to the operating table. With the help of Qigong health gymnastics for the spine, you will not simply avoid relapses of the disease, but will also be able to cure yourself, without the intervention of scalpels.


And now let's go directly to exercises of Chinese gymnastics qigong for the spine.

  1. Let's feel our body. Legs on the width of the shoulders, feet are parallel. The knees are slightly bent, and the pelvis is fed slightly forward, but in no case should the buttocks protrude back. Hands hang, do not press them to the trunk. The chin is lowered, the top reaches to the sky. From this position, all qigong exercises should be started, it helps restore the connection between the body and consciousness.
  2. "Cleansing Breath" - do a chest inhalation with a nose and breathe out with your mouth. At the same time we press the stomach to the back, and the body is completely relaxed, as if the puppet had cut the thread that held it.
  3. "The neck of the crane" - we press the chin to the neck, stretch the neck with the head, stayed in this position. Under its own weight, the head goes down and slowly along the neck rises to the top in the starting position.
  4. "Tortoise's neck" - we press the chin to the neck, we lower our chin ever lower and lower, reaching the chest fixing position. The head is parallel to the floor. Then we stretch our chin forward, raise our head, reaching the position, when eyes are directed to the sky. We return the head to the starting position.
  5. "The dragon disperses the clouds" - hands raised from the side, at shoulder level. We lower hands downwards, we connect in the lock and we lift to a breast. Then raise your hands to the level of your forehead, and we turn our arms and raise our elbows. One of the elbows is raised, the second one is lowered, shifting our chest in one direction. We unfold the body in the direction of the upper elbow. Having reached the maximum tension, we change the position of the elbows, and turn around in the opposite direction. We make these turns 9-18 times. We finish the exercise by lowering and connecting the elbows at the chest level.