How to make a boat made of wood?

Not so long ago, in the lessons of work at school, the guys were cut out on wood. And even today, many have a small set of chisels or burnout. We suggest you try to make a homemade wooden boat. This is a great way to spend time with a child and surprise him, because you can quite easily entrust some of your work to your child.

How to make a wooden boat?

Before you make a boat out of wood, look for funny images in magazines or books. They can be painted on a sail or ship's hull. Then we will prepare all the necessary tools:

Now consider step by step how to make a wooden boat.

  1. We take a bar and with the help of a knife we ​​give it the shape of a ship.
  2. The next stage of making a ship made of wood with his own hands will be the preparation of a place for the masts. We measure the diameter of wooden sticks and drill one-three holes for them (depending on the size of the boat). Their depth should be of the order of 1 cm. For each stick, sharpen one end and stick it from the hole.
  3. Now we will make sails for a wooden boat with our own hands. We cut out a triangle from thick paper. Draw the selected funny images on it. To the center we attach the match with the help of a scotch tape. Next, for reliability, we laminate the whole surface of the sail with adhesive tape. In the lower part, when working under an adhesive tape, put strengthening in the form of toothpicks or pieces of skewers.
  4. Further, to the top of the mast we tie a strong thread. We lay the thread along the edges of the sail and fix it from below with adhesive tape.
  5. Next, you need to make the ship made of wood smooth, because when working with a knife, sharp corners appear. How to work out each part of the workpiece with sandpaper, at first more rough, and at the end polish everything. This part of the job you can quite trust the child. Ready-made body is varnished or painted with acrylic paints.
  6. When everything is dry, we attach masts with sails. In the front and back parts we also attach skewers. To these skewers we tie our sail. For decoration, you can stick a life ring and draw portholes or hang out such cheerful flags. Using a nut or screw, we attach a weighting agent (especially if you decide to make a model of expanded polystyrene).
  7. A ship made of wood with his own hands is ready. Such a souvenir can be presented to a friend or decorated a child's room.