Allergy to poplar fluff

During the flowering of poplars, sneezing people on the street are getting bigger, but only those with allergies with experience know for certain that the white fluffs themselves play a mediating role, not being an allergen, but bringing on themselves pollen. It is the source of the symptoms that allergies are attributed to fluff.

Why do they sneeze from the fluff?

In the old particles that spread the female poplar trees (masculine are not a source of fluff), dust, spores of fungi and pollen of plants are collected, whose flowering occurs during this period. From the end of May to the middle of summer it is the pollen of cereals:

In mid-June, poplar fluff brings the pollen of coniferous trees - an allergy to pine and spruce would not so bother people if there were no poplar. Pooh can fly into the windows on high floors, get in the eyes, stick to the body, hide in the folds of clothing. The pollen itself could not move so actively.

Symptoms of allergy to poplar fluff

Dust, spores and pollen, with which a person comes into contact due to ubiquitous fluff, cause a range of allergic reactions, although rhinitis and conjunctivitis are most common. In the first case, frequent sneezing is noted several times in a row, liquid discharge from the nose, itching in the nasopharynx. When inflammation of the conjunctiva is noted:

Getting along with the allergen in the respiratory tract, down poplar often causes a cough, and people suffering from bronchial asthma may experience an exacerbation during this period of the year.

Allergy to poplar fluff is also manifested by skin irritations, especially if it is sweaty, and white particles easily stick to it. This reaction is accompanied by reddening of the skin and itching.

Allergy for the first time

In the flowering poplar, about 30% of CIS residents feel bad. Characteristic signs of an allergic reaction to fluff appear already in 12 to 16 years, although for the first time it can manifest itself at a later age. People who have never experienced discomfort during flowering plants can write off a runny nose and cough for a cold without taking antihistamines , and sometimes even using antibiotics for treatment that only weaken the strength of the body in dealing with the allergen. It is worth remembering that the cold does not last more than one week. If the cold does not pass, and the worst of all you feel yourself on the street, most likely it's allergies.

It is important to make an appointment with a doctor and take samples that determine the allergen that bothers the body.

Treatment of allergy to poplar fluff

We found out how the allergy to fluff manifests, and now we will talk about the measures that should be taken to improve well-being during the flowering period. Treatment as such has not been invented: use symptomatic therapy with antihistamines. They relieve itching, runny nose, lachrymation - in short, all the consequences of allergy to fluff. Prescribe these drugs should only a doctor.

Folk recipes, as a rule, do not work, because they are all related to the reception of broths of herbs and honey, which are also allergens. At the same time, many people are helped by ginger tea with spices - the drink strengthens the immune system. Well-proven tea from the turn, and lotions with the decoction of this plant perfectly remove the itching of the skin.

Prevention of allergy to poplar fluff

It is best to leave for a while away from the place of flowering plants that cause allergies. If this is not possible, it is less likely to go out into the street in dry and windy weather, more often to do a wet cleaning in the room. From penetration of fluff into the house will protect gauze on the windows, moistened with water. If the allergy is caused by the flowering of cereals, you need to discard:

In general, do not abuse: