Dorsal hernia

To ensure flexibility and strength of the spine, intervertebral discs are provided. They consist of a solid fibrous ring and a soft (gelatinous) pulpous core. When the disk envelope ruptures, the latter comes out, thus forming a dorsal hernia. The fibrous ring protrudes, squeezing the nearby nerve endings, which causes the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms and early signs of dorsal hernia

The way this pathology is felt depends on the location of the spine injury. There are 3 types of hernias in accordance with the departments in which it arose:

Symptoms of the disease in the cervical region:

Signs of a hernia of the thoracic spine:

Manifestations of the disease in the lumbosacral region:

Treatment of spinal hernia without surgery

The majority (about 80%) of cases of intervertebral hernia does not require surgical intervention. The main standards of therapy for the described pathology are:

  1. Peace. It is necessary to exclude any physical activity, bed rest is shown.
  2. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Admission of painkillers.
  4. Local administration of corticosteroid hormones (in severe cases).
  5. Physiotherapy.
  6. Therapeutic physical training .
  7. Special massage.
  8. Traction therapy.
  9. Acupuncture and pharmacopuncture.
  10. Vacuum therapy.

Usually, after 7-12 weeks, the symptoms of the disease subsided, and a period of stable remission occurs.

How to treat spinal hernia surgically?

If the conservative approach turns out to be ineffective, the only option becomes operation. This is especially useful in the development of severe neurological disorders.

Surgical intervention is carried out by 2 methods:

Both methods involve minimal trauma and a not too long recovery period. In the hospital, the patient stays for 3-7 days, can return to physical labor after 1.5-2 weeks.