Heaviness in the stomach - treatment

Even if you have never experienced this feeling (which is unlikely, of course), you had to hear about it from television commercials. It's about the heaviness in the stomach, which most often torments people after eating.

Causes and treatment of severity in the stomach

Discomfort in the stomach after eating is a feeling familiar to many. And not always the heaviness in the stomach arises from overeating. Sometimes the reason can be more serious, but because the discomfort is often quite quickly, the problem is not given proper attention. Accordingly, and treatment of severity in the stomach is not properly done.

And there may be discomfort and heaviness for a number of reasons:

  1. Disturbance of the diet, including irregular meals, the use of fast food and the lack of liquid food in the diet.
  2. Stress and stress prevent food from digesting.
  3. Eating foods that are poorly digested for a long time.
  4. Overeating is a cause that can not be ruled out.

How to treat heaviness in the stomach and eructation?

To begin with, of course, should take into account all of the above factors that affect the appearance of gravity and it is desirable to pass a survey with a specialist. The doctor will be able to identify the real cause of gravity in the stomach and prescribe an effective treatment.

There are many methods of treating discomfort. Below are the most popular and effective tips:

  1. First of all, to the head, of course, come famously advertised medications: Mezim , Festal, Pancreatin. These drugs really effectively save from the severity in the stomach, but they can not be abused, although they are considered relatively harmless.
  2. Lactobacilli are the most pleasant remedy. Sometimes uncomfortable sensations are a sign of a dysbacteriosis with which lactobacilli, contained in fermented milk products and special preparations, will cope at times.
  3. To overcome weight in the stomach helps and folk remedies. St. John's wort, yarrow and calendula should be poured with boiling water and insist for half an hour. The received liquid to drink in small portions (no more than 50 ml) two-three weeks before meal.
  4. A healthy lifestyle will help to cope with extra pounds, and with them and with uncomfortable sensations in the stomach.

If you are tormented by constant feelings of heaviness in the stomach, treatment should begin with giving up alcohol. Strong drinks negatively affect the gastric mucosa, irritate it, which can lead to gastritis and even ulcer.