Sodium chloride for inhalations

The aqueous solution of sodium chloride is known to most as saline solution and is a mixture of sodium chloride (table salt) and distilled water. In addition to diluting drugs for intravenous injections and droppers, sodium chloride solution is also widely used for washing the nose and inhalation for colds and various acute respiratory viral infections.

Can I use sodium chloride for inhalations?

It is worth noting that 0.9% sodium chloride solution has the same osmotic pressure as the intracellular fluid, so when it gets on the mucous membrane it moisturizes and softens well, facilitates dry cough and leads to an increase in bronchial secretions.

A more concentrated (3% and 4%) inhalation solution is rarely used.

Sodium chloride is not recommended for steam inhalations, since in this case the salt settles, and the inhalation is obtained simply by hot steam.

How to use sodium chloride for inhalations?

In pure form, sodium chloride for inhalations with cough and cold is rarely used, more often it is intended for the cultivation of certain medications. Usually saline is used for breeding the following categories of drugs:
  1. Broncholytic, that is, eliminating spasm of the bronchi, in particular - with bronchial asthma. These drugs include Astalin, Berotek, Salbutamol.
  2. Mucolytic drugs for liquefying phlegm and facilitating expectoration of coughing. This, for example, Ambraxol, Bromhexin, etc.
  3. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, in the case of infectious diseases of the ENT organs.

Sodium chloride for inhalations in a nebulizer

Most often, saline is recommended for inhalation with the aid of a nebulizer - an inhaler, in the chamber of which an aerosol cloud is formed by means of ultrasound or compressed air from the liquid. Inhalations are carried out 3-4 times a day and, depending on the drug, one inhalation requires 2 to 4 ml of saline.

Such inhalations are quite effective in treating:

But it should be remembered that in diseases of the larynx nebulizer therapy is ineffective, since small particles do not settle on the walls of the upper respiratory tract, but fall into deeper parts of them. Therefore, in diseases of the nasopharynx, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you need to choose another inhaler.