Homeopathy treatment

As you know, there are alternatives to traditional methods of therapy. One of them is the treatment with homeopathy with the use of drugs that stimulate the immune system, activate the body's own defenses. Although conservative medicine does not welcome homeopathic medicines, they are often more effective than patented pharmacological products.

Homeopathy Allergy Treatment

Usual medicines well relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions, but do not affect the cause of their occurrence - a malfunction in the work of immunity. Homeopathic preparations provide a soft but steady correction of the immune response to contact with most irritants, a natural decrease in histamine production.

Allergy-mediated medicines:

Treatment of hypothyroidism and other endocrine diseases by homeopathy

Normalization of the endocrine background depends on the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. The following homeopathic preparations help to improve her work:

Treatment of diseases of the rectum and hemorrhoids with homeopathy

The described problems, including cracks, inflammation of the hemorrhoids, their loss, are associated with a violation of venous circulation in the rectum. Also of great importance is the state of the digestive system, especially the spleen and liver.

Coping with diseases of the rectum, eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and prevent the occurrence of complications allows the reception of such drugs from homeopathy:

In addition, local remedies, such as Fleming's ointment, help to increase the effect of therapy.

Treatment of arthritis and other pathologies of bones and joints with homeopathy

Improve the blood circulation and metabolic processes, increase the production of synovial fluid and cartilage tissue, the following homeopathic medicines help:

Treatment with homeopathy of herpes and viral lesions

Homeopathic effect provides the immune response to the reproduction of viral cells even before the appearance of external symptoms. Cope with herpes and other similar diseases can be through such means: