Meningococcal infection - how to define it, treat it and what to do in order not to get sick?

Meningococcal infection is an acute disease that causes the pathogenic microorganism Neisseria meningitidis. The extent and localization of lesions depends on the form of the disease, but almost always the ailment is severe and inadequate or untimely therapy is fraught with an unfavorable outcome.

How is meningococcal infection transmitted?

The only source of the pathogen is a person with obvious signs of the disease. Meningococcal infection is transmitted by aspiration. Pathogenic microparticles are released into the environment during a conversation, when coughing or sneezing, but the disease spreads not so fast as other infections. Encouraging close contact, especially when it occurs indoors.

After penetration of infection into a healthy body, a person becomes its carrier. The meningococcus can last from a couple of days to several months, it all depends on the level of immunity and lifestyle. If immediately after contact with the patient to take appropriate measures, meningococcal infection will be suppressed and recede. Although medicine knows cases when the disease returned and after a course of antibiotics.

Meningococcal infection - symptoms

Symptoms of meningococcus vary depending on the form. The most common symptoms are:

At the stage of carriage, signs of meningococcal infection, as a rule, are absent. If you pass the examination, you will find a clear picture of the acute current pharyngitis . In advanced cases, pneumonia can develop, which is fraught with the development of sepsis and polyarthritis, which in most cases affects small joints in the area of ​​the hands.

Meningococcal infection - incubation period

Like any other infectious disease, meningococcal symptoms do not start immediately. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 10 days, but is generally delayed no longer than for 3-5 days. Meningococcal infection is dangerous with its rapid development. Often immediately after the expiration of the incubation period, the symptoms of the illness become pronounced, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, and if the time is not provided with qualified help, it can all end in a fatal outcome.

Meningococcal nasopharyngitis - symptoms

With this form of the disease, the inflammatory process spreads to the nasopharynx - that part of the pharynx that is located above the soft sky and can be inspected only with the help of ENT mirrors. Meningococcal nasopharyngitis manifests itself by such symptoms:

Purulent meningitis - symptoms

Meningococcal infection in purulent form is characterized by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the soft shell of the brain. Their activity leads to an inflammatory process. Purulent meningitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Meningococcemia - symptoms

This is sepsis, which, as a rule, occurs with pronounced signs of toxicosis. Meningococcal septic infection is mild, moderate and severe. The problem develops sharply - the patient's temperature jumps to 39-40 degrees within a few minutes. Fever is accompanied by other symptoms:

A common "special" sign is a rash in meningococcal infection. It can appear just a few hours after the onset of the disease. In most cases, the spots cover the upper and lower limbs, feet, buttocks. The rash with meningococcemia is dense to the touch and slightly protrudes above the surface of the skin. In severe cases, it can spread to the entire body. On the extremities of the same rash turns into extensive hemorrhages with clearly defined edges, which in appearance resemble cadaveric spots. On the face of the stain "get" very rarely.

Diagnosis of meningococcal infection

General examination begins with the analysis of symptoms and the study of factors that could lead to defeat. To determine the form of the disease, you should carefully examine the patient's body and conduct a series of examinations. An important stage of diagnosis is the analysis for meningococcal infection. If a person is infected, pathogens will be found in his blood. You can detect meningococci with the help of:

Meningococcal infection - treatment

At the first suspicions on MI, a person immediately needs to be hospitalized and urgently to begin therapy. In the diagnosis of meningococcal infection, treatment with antibiotics of the penicillin group is prescribed in most cases. These antibacterial agents are considered to be the most effective in fighting the causative agent of the disease. When nasopharyngitis is additionally prescribed to wash the nose with antiseptics and vitamin therapy.

Meningococcal infection - prehospital treatment

Therapy for infection with meningococci is performed by specialists in a hospital environment, but when a patient has a meningococcal infection, first aid should be given immediately. With the shock state, the antipyretic drugs effectively cope. To eliminate excessive excitation and seizures, a solution of Sibazone can be used.

Meningococcal infection - clinical recommendations

Effectively kill meningococcal antibiotics, so they are used to fight infection. Though the medicine is constantly being improved, Penicillin has been a means for the destruction of meningococcus number 1 for many decades. Enter it at a dose of 200 - 300 units / kg of weight per day. In most cases this amount of the drug is divided into 5-6 receptions. Penicillin is administered intramuscularly. In addition to Penicillin, it is possible to carry out therapy:

All doses are calculated by the attending physician individually, taking into account the characteristics of the organism. If the patient suffers from intolerance to beta-lactam antibacterial drugs, they can be replaced with Chloramphenicol. The standard dosage varies from 80 to 100 mg / kg per day and it needs to be divided no less than three times. To combat purulent meningitis, Meropenem is sometimes used.

Cope with meningococcemia is helped by a set of such events:

Prevention of meningococcal infection

Fighting this disease is very difficult, so it's best to do everything possible to prevent it. Vaccination against meningococcal infection is the best prevention. It will help prevent not only MI, but also all its possible complications, because meningococcus causes diseases, like:

The vaccine against meningococcal infection is not the only preventive measure:

  1. In order not to become infected, it is desirable to avoid places of congestion of a large number of people during the epidemic.
  2. In autumn and spring it is desirable to further strengthen the immune system with vitamin complexes.
  3. It is desirable to protect yourself from hypothermia as much as possible.
  4. After contact with the infected person, immediately it is necessary to conduct a preventive antibacterial course and to drink antimeningococcal immunoglobulins.

Inoculation from meningococcal infection

To date, this is the most effective way to protect yourself from infection. There are two main types of vaccines: polysaccharide and conjugated, which include protein-carriers of the disease. Polysaccharide vaccine from meningococcal infection rapidly raises the level of antibodies. Revaccination is required every three years. Conjugated injections contribute to the development of immunological memory and keep immunity at a level for 10 years.

In medical institutions, vaccines produced on the basis of meningococci A and A + C are used. Injection is administered subcutaneously in the upper third of the arm or in the area under the scapula. Immunity begins to develop from the 5th to the 14th day after the injection. You can make injections simultaneously with other vaccinations, except for anti-tuberculosis and against yellow fever. Contraindications to the vaccine against meningococcus are acute infections and exacerbations of existing chronic diseases. The injection is canceled when there is an adverse reaction to the drug being administered.