Spastic constipation

Violation of the purifying function of the body can lead to various diseases that complicate everyday life and adversely affect the general and mental state. One of these disorders is spastic constipation.

Definition and signs of the disease

Spastic constipation is a periodic disruption of bowel movement, not caused by any disease. Most often, the causes of spastic constipation can be:

Each person has his own individual rhythm of cleansing the body. But the absence of emptying for 3-4 days can be a symptom of spastic constipation. In general, the symptomatology of this type of constipation is very diverse. During this period a person can sense one or several signs:

Defecation during this disturbance is most often difficult and is accompanied by increased efforts from the muscles of the abdominal cavity and perineum. When emptying the intestine, with spastic constipation, the feces are dehydrated, has a small volume and can be covered with a mucous membrane. Often a visit to the toilet with spastic constipation does not bring the desired relief.

Treatment of spastic constipation

To begin treatment for a spastic constipation, the root cause of its appearance should be established. Quite often it is enough to adjust the nutrition, for the normalization of the intestine. If constipation occurs in response to psychoemotional shocks, then, in parallel to a diet, the use of sedatives can be prescribed . It:

Diet with spastic constipation is as follows:

  1. The consumption of fatty, fried, floury food is reduced.
  2. A sufficient number of boiled vegetables and fresh fruits are used, previously prilled.
  3. It is recommended to cook soups on vegetable, and not meat broths.
  4. Excluding astringent products (rice, chocolate, strong tea, red meat, pomegranates, etc.).
  5. White bread is replaced with whole grain or black bread.
  6. For breakfast it is desirable to eat oatmeal cooked on the water, with the addition of dried fruits (prunes, dried apples), which have a lax effect.
  7. In the diet are introduced dairy products with low fat content (whey, bifid, kefir, etc.).

Also doctors recommend:

  1. Drink a day from 1.5 liters of clean water.
  2. Add bran (wheat, oat) to the ration.
  3. Increase physical activity (walking).

In addition, it is desirable to completely eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages and energy drinks.

As an easy laxative, pharmacies based on herbal ingredients can be used. It:

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of spastic constipation folk remedies can use such recipes:

  1. Two tablespoons of liquorice and one teaspoon Dill the seeds and mix them. A tablespoon of this mixture should be filled with a glass of boiling water and, wrapped, left for the night. Take infusion during the day, half an hour after eating half a glass.
  2. A light laxative effect is possessed by baked apples. To do this, they are baked in the oven or microwave oven until soft.
  3. Seed the plantain seeds and pour half a cup of boiling water. Insist 20-30 minutes and drink at a time.
  4. With prolonged or chronic constipation, take a teaspoon of aloe juice 15-30 minutes before eating for 2-4 weeks.