Thrombus in the leg - symptoms

One of the most dangerous ailments is thrombosis, which develops due to blockage of veins and circulatory disorders. A thrombus in the leg, the symptoms of which are given in the article, can be used to cause the formation of a fatal disease - thromboembolism.

Signs of blood clot in the leg

Thrombosis is a constantly evolving disease. At the very beginning, education does not exceed a millimeter. However, gradually the clot begins to expand, which prevents normal blood flow. At this stage, the first signs of a thrombus in the leg begin to show itself. The most pronounced are:

In some cases, the patient can feel the compaction and visually detect its increase. Another major sign of the formation of a blood clot in the leg, which is very difficult not to notice, is the redness of the affected area and its cyanosis.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower leg is accompanied by high fever, swollen muscles, severe pain when the limb is lowered down. After two days the skin begins to become covered with a network of superficial veins, the skin acquires a cyanotic shade.

Symptoms of developing thrombus in the femoral vein of the foot include swelling of the skin, swelling of the superficial veins, pain in the inner side of the thigh.

When the common femoral vein is affected, acute pain, blueing and swelling of the extremity, swelling of the subcutaneous veins in the groin are observed. Also for this case is characterized by high fever and fever.

Deep vein thrombosis or phlebothrombosis is a more dangerous disease. Venous thrombosis is more common in patients who adhere to bed rest. At the same time there is swelling and heaviness of the limb. As a rule, the patient's condition is poorly reflected on the general condition of the patient, however, despite weak signs, deep thrombosis often leads to separation rather than thrombophlebitis.

A thrombus in his leg came off

And what are the symptoms if a clot in the leg breaks away? The danger of moving blood clots is that they can cause blockage of many other vessels. The most common phenomenon caused by clotting is a thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery. In this case, there are such symptoms of a thrombus rupture in the leg:

  1. First of all, there is a decrease in pressure and an increase in heart rate. Due to deterioration of the blood supply to organs, a collapse occurs accompanied by chest pain, which is typical of myocardial infarction , urinary retention, loss of consciousness, difficulty with swallowing food and pronunciation of words (brain ischemia).
  2. Due to the fullness of the internal organs and a malfunction of the stomach, there is pain in the abdomen.
  3. Shortness of breath and lack of air indicate respiratory failure. Due to oxygen deficiency, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin develops.
  4. Often a sign of separation of a blood clot in the leg is pleurisy or infarct pneumonia with an increase in body temperature. Often in patients, the ailment is accompanied by hemoptysis.
  5. After a while, the immune system may react. In this case, reactive pleurisy develops, a rash appears, and the concentration of eoinophils increases in the blood.

If signs of a severed thrombus are found in the leg, lysis of the embolus should be carried out urgently. The process of normalizing the blood flow will take no more than two hours. To combat the disease, the patient is prescribed thrombolytics, which help to dissolve thrombus and anticoagulants, which contribute to its stabilization.