Bronchoscopy of the lungs

Bronchoscopy is a tracheobronchoscopy or fibrobronchoscopy - the so-called endoscopic method of direct visual examination of the mucous tracheobronchial tree. In a simple sense, this method allows the doctor to see with his own eyes the state of the tissues of the bronchi and trachea - to reveal pathologies or to draw conclusions about the patient's healthy state. The latter case is rare, because, as a rule, there are serious reasons for bronchoscopy, obtained by other methods of examination.

Indications for bronchoscopy

Bronchoscopy can be carried out with two purposes - for diagnosis and treatment. Most often, weighty indications for its conduct determine the suspicion of inflammation or swelling.

If the x-ray has been found to be unfavorable processes in the lung tissue, or if the patient shows hemoptysis, then this is a weighty indicator for carrying out this procedure.

Also, bronchoscopy can remove foreign bodies. Bronchoscopy is inextricably linked with biopsy in cases where it is necessary to learn about the nature of education.

So, in summary it is possible to allocate some points when the bronchoscopy is shown:

Thus, bronchoscopy reveals ample opportunities for studying the nature of pathology, correction of treatment, and in some cases for treatment.

For therapeutic purposes, bronchoscopy is used for:

Preparation for bronchoscopy

Preparation for the procedure consists of several items:

  1. X-ray of the chest, as well as electrocardiography. Preliminary examination also consists of the definition of urea and gases in the blood.
  2. A doctor's warning about the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus, an experienced heart attack and ischemic heart disease. Admission of antidepressants and hormone therapy should also inform the endoscopist before the procedure.
  3. Bronchoscopy is performed on an empty stomach. Therefore, the last meal should be no later than 21:00.
  4. Reception of water on the day of examination before the procedure is prohibited.
  5. Bronchoscopy can be done only in specially equipped rooms and sterile conditions, since the likelihood of infection in the body is very high. Make sure that. That the medical institution complies with all sanitary standards.
  6. Before the procedure, emotional patients may need a calming injection.
  7. Before the procedure, you need to prepare a towel and napkins, since after it can be hemoptysis.
  8. Also before the procedure should be removed dentures, bite correction plates and piercing jewelry.

How is bronchoscopy done?

Before doing bronchoscopy of the lungs, the patient takes off his outer clothing and unbuttons his collar. In chronic obstructive bronchitis and asthma (diseases accompanied by spasm of the lungs), dimedrol, seduxen and atropine are administered 45 minutes prior to the procedure, and 20 minutes before the start, a solution of euphyllin is administered. When bronchoscopy under anesthesia, the patient is additionally allowed to inhale the salbutamol aerosol, which dilates the bronchi. For local anesthesia, nebulizers are used to treat the nasopharynx and the oropharynx. This is necessary to suppress the emetic reflex.

The position that the patient occupies - lying or sitting, is determined by the doctor.

The endoscope is inserted into the respiratory tract under the control of vision through the nose or mouth, after which the doctor examines from all directions the areas of interest.

Consequences of bronchoscopy

Often, bronchoscopy is not accompanied by serious consequences - a slight numbness and stuffy nose pass during the day. However, there are cases when the walls of the bronchi are damaged, pneumonia develops, bronchospasm, allergy and bleeding after a biopsy.