Anti-inflammatory ointments for joints

For the treatment of severe joint pain, anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of capsules can be used. But they cause a huge number of hazardous side effects (especially from the digestive tract and kidneys). That is why very often for the treatment of joints use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and other drugs for external use.

Types of anti-inflammatory ointments for joints

Anti-inflammatory ointments for joints significantly increase the volume of movements in a short period of time. These drugs differ:

All drugs in this group are divided into several types depending on their active substance. Anti-inflammatory non-steroid ointments for joints come with:

Such drugs can be used for a very long time in the complex therapy of arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, osteochondrosis. Also, any medications from this list of anti-inflammatory ointments for joints are used to relieve the condition after serious sports injuries.

Features of the use of anti-inflammatory ointments

Even the best anti-inflammatory ointments for joints can cause side effects. In place of application drugs can cause severe burning and redness. When intolerance of the active substance after the use of the drug appears pruritus, peeling of the skin, as well as changing its color.

Categorically it is not possible to use anti-inflammatory ointments for children under 12 years old, and also when: