Lake Zercnica

Tserknitsa is a picturesque lake in the south-west of Slovenia . This is the largest Slovenian karst field. When it is flooded, its area is 26 km ², and with heavy rain - 38 km ². This is the largest lake in Slovenia . Its maximum length is 10.5 km and its width is 4.7 km. The depth is 10 m. It is very beautiful, while the prices for the tour are affordable.


Lake Zercnica is a typical intermittent lake on a karst field and one of the most famous Slovenian karst sites, both in the country and abroad. In the case of heavy rains, it fills in within 2-3 days, and during the dry period it dries up in 3-4 weeks.

Lake Zercnica is mentioned in chronicles, dating from the 14th century. It is then collected by water, then it dries up. This is connected with karst phenomena. Underwater streams and rivers periodically fill the valley with water, but through funnels in the soil, it leaves. As a rule, water is stored in the lake for about nine months.

The locals always depended on the lake. It attracted people by the abundance of fish. When the reservoir begins to dry up, the fishermen try to catch and freeze or process as many fish as possible. Part of the fish goes to the caves where they breed. Local residents are trying to help the water inhabitants in every possible way, reservoirs are being created for this purpose.


On the lake there are 276 species of birds, and this is half of all European species. There live 45 species of mammals, 125 species of butterflies and 15 types of amphibians. Biodiversity is exceptional.

In recent years, the water in the lake has been shrinking. The growth of reeds on the lake is a consequence of the refusal of mowing. Lack of water and rapid flow threaten birds during nesting. Nests that remain on land are easier to reach predators. In the dry period, the lake is almost completely devoid of small permanent water surfaces, which would be the habitat for birds, fish, amphibians and other animals. In addition, there is a fire hazard during the drought period.

Rest on the lake

Tourists love this place. In autumn the water arrives, this time is most suitable for rest. You can swim in the lake, windsurf and fishing. In winter, you can skate.

How to get there?

A bus runs from Ljubljana to the lake, but it is better to go there as part of a tourist group.