Radiation diagnostics

In most cases, an accurate examination of the disease requires an examination of the internal organs and bone apparatus. Since the X-ray technology has been replaced by radiodiagnosis, it is the most reliable way to establish the causes and characteristics of diseases.

Methods of radiation diagnostics

To date, there are known obsolete varieties (X-ray and fluoroscopy, ultrasound), as well as modern types:

Radiation diagnostics in stomatology

To establish the diagnosis of maxillofacial pathologies, the following types of studies are used:

Radiation diagnosis of thoracic organs

Usually, the following types of medical imaging methods are used in the examination of the broncho-pulmonary system:

MRI is used less often, as the above methods are not inferior to this technique for informative purposes.

Radiation diagnosis of the brain

Various tumors, swelling, the consequences of hemorrhagic strokes or transient ischemic attacks, as well as complications of atherosclerosis require very accurate studies to determine the size of the affected brain tissue. Therefore, modern methods, such as magnetic resonance imaging , dopplerography, computed tomography, are preferred in this case. The methods allow you to visualize individual areas of the brain in the required planes.

Radiodiagnosis in otorhinolaryngology

As a rule, classical methods are used to establish uncomplicated diseases - radiography and fluoroscopy. More severe pathologies, oncological neoplasms or the need to establish the integrity of bone formations require layered imaging technology: computed tomography, MRI. Sometimes the introduction of contrast medium is indicated if there are lesions or necrotizing soft tissues.