Cheshutsya ears

Often, if it itches in the ear, many people immediately begin to recall people's signs and their meanings associated with this phenomenon. Although in fact, if you have this feeling, it can be a signal that indicates that you are sick, and you need to see a doctor and begin treatment.

Let's see why the ears are scratched from a medical point of view.

Causes of itching in the ears

So, the reasons why you can scratch your ears are a few, among them the following are the main ones:

  1. The first and most common cause of pruritus ears is the formation of a sulfuric plug in the ears (it itches inside it). In this case, everything is simple, and you can get rid of the unpleasant sensation, the most that neither is a simple way - by cleaning your ear canal. This is done by a normal clean cotton swab, but do not forget that this procedure should be done very carefully, so as not to damage the eardrum. Sometimes, from a large accumulation of sulfur, a so-called ear plug can form. Then it is necessary to rinse, and it is better to do it with the help of a doctor.
  2. The second no less common cause of itching in the ears is the ingress of water. This happens when diving, if you swim or visited the water park. To get rid of the liquid that has got to you in the ears, it's enough to lie on your side and drip hydrogen peroxide into the passage. After that, after 5-10 minutes you can go up and soak your ears with a cotton swab.
  3. The third reason is an allergic reaction . Since the causes of allergies can be different, the ears are itchy everywhere: outside, on the lobe or inside. This can occur because of the hats (especially knitted) or earrings that you wear. The itch will pass, as soon as you stop wearing headgear or jewelry, causing you such a reaction.
  4. The fourth cause of pruritus is a fungal infection . In this case, the ears are not only itchy, but also flaky. Also, this condition can be accompanied by inflammation and redness of the skin. This disease must be treated medically, for this it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor to prescribe a treatment. It can be both drops, and ointments. Everything will depend on how much the infection progresses.
  5. The fifth cause of pruritus in the ears is inflammation of the middle ear. In addition to itching, pain may also appear. This will indicate the onset of the inflammatory process (otitis). In this case, do not engage in self-medication, but should immediately turn to specialists. As a rule, with inflammation, doctors prescribe drops that include an antibiotic and a nose wash.
  6. The sixth cause of pruritus is defeat with an ear mite . In addition to scabies, in this case, you may have a feeling that someone is crawling inside your ear and red dots may appear. If you feel something like this, you should immediately consult a doctor, so that he does a scraping and, on the basis of the results of the tests, prescribed treatment for you.
  7. The seventh cause of pruritus in the ears is a disease diabetes mellitus . Often such manifestations occur in people of advanced age. In this case, the doctor usually appoints ear candles, which include propolis.

Having become acquainted with the causes of itching in the ears and knowing what to do if it itches in the ear, it is very important to remember that this is primarily not a folk sign, but a signal that you should pay attention to the health of this organ . Indeed, ear pain, as is known, is one of the strongest. And if you notice the first signs of ear diseases, then perhaps you will get to avoid serious consequences.