Diseases of the rectum and anus - symptoms

For most people, hemorrhoids are the only disease that can affect the perianal area. But this, of course, is not so. In fact, diseases of the rectum and anus and the symptoms characterizing their symptoms are much greater. And what is most sad, anyone can face them. Therefore, at least a general idea of ​​the possible ailments is necessary.

What are the diseases of the rectum and anus?

  1. Hemorrhoids develop against a background of dilated veins of the rectum. The disease is characterized by knot formation. Talk about this is not accepted, but the disease suffers more than ten percent of the entire adult population of the planet.
  2. Anal itching is both an ailment and a symptom. Its origin is unknown. Therefore very often it is called idiopathic.
  3. Another type of anus disease is the megacolon . A characteristic feature of the disease - the expansion of the entire colon or its individual parts. This can lead to stagnation of fecal masses and the resulting inflammation. Sometimes inflammatory processes cause ulcers on the mucosa.
  4. With the prolapse of the rectum, the organ actually extends beyond the anus.
  5. Polyps are benign tumors. They are single and multiple. This disease can climb into the anus. And if the neoplasm is still too large, it falls into the perianal region.
  6. When proctitis, the rectum mucosa becomes inflamed.
  7. Paraproctitis is characterized by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue that has arisen as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  8. Anal fissures appear against the back wall defect.

Symptoms of rectum and anus

Most of the symptoms are very similar to each other. Therefore, in order to diagnose a particular ailment, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies. The most common symptom is pain during the act of defecation. Any organic damage in this case may be absent. Painful sensations are aching, acute or pulsating and last from three minutes to several hours.

Other symptoms include: