Apistogram of cockatoo - how to keep it?

A popular fish is the aphistogram of a cockatoo, which can be called a tropical perch. It is part of the family Cichlova, which has about 2 thousand species. Due to the fact that for the content does not need to create special conditions and conduct some kind of training, such residents of aquariums are common.

Cockatoo apistogram - description

Bright beautiful fish attract attention in any aquarium. On average, their life expectancy is about five years.

  1. On the dorsal fin of the male, the aphthistogram of the cockatoos has several rays that are longer in comparison with the others and outwardly they resemble a pappus on the head, like the famous cockatoo, hence the name of the species.
  2. There is a huge number of color options and scientists are working on the development of new options, so recently appeared double red.
  3. Describing the size of the cactus apistogram, it should be noted that the fish are small, so the males reach about 10 cm in length, and the females even less - up to 5 cm.
  4. In nature, the fish lives on the territory of Brazil, Bolivia and the tributaries of the Amazon. For it, the places of reservoirs with minimum flow or with standing water are preferred.

Apistogram of cockatoo - content

For a comfortable life of fish, it is necessary to observe some rules concerning their contents.

  1. Apistograms of cockatoo prefer water, which contains a large amount of oxygen. It is important to ensure that there are no nitrogen compounds in the water. For this purpose, you need to use a filter and better if it is external . Acidity (pH) should be at the level of 6-7,8, but the rigidity is 5-19 dGH.
  2. The optimum temperature is 23-27 ° C. Fish apistograms of cockatoo easily tolerate a short decrease in temperature to 14-16 ° C and rise to 30-34 ° C. Experts do not recommend keeping fish for one year at the same temperature and it is better to reduce it by a couple of degrees in the cold season. Thanks to this, immunity is strengthened.

Apistogramma cockatoo - choose an aquarium

Such fish contain small groups, and the minimum size for a suitable aquarium is 60x30x30 cm. It is best to have a male and three females. If the males are two, then the volume of a suitable vessel should take into account that a couple of fish should account for up to 50 liters. It is recommended to observe the fish and if there are conflicts, then the size of the aquarium should be increased. To make an apostogram of a cockatoo double red or other color feel good, observe a number of recommendations:

  1. There should be many plants in the aquarium, and it is still necessary to take care of the necessary number of shelters, so for each female there should be several. Different stones, snags , caves and so on come up. Experts advise placing a few dry leaves on the bottom, for example, oak. They should first be thoroughly dried, and then soaked, so that they are drowned in the aquarium.
  2. For this species, a diffuse dim light is preferred. The fish look best on a dark background.
  3. As for the suitable soil, it is better to give preference to large river sand.

Apistogram of cockatoo - compatibility

Fish of this species are mostly non-conflict, and they show resilience to other inhabitants of the aquarium. The best compatibility of the apistogram with other fish is observed with neon, scalar and discord. It is not necessary to attach large breeds to this species that can be swallowed by cockatoo. The forbidden neighbors include the cichlids of African lakes and various predatory fish. Apistograms with views floating at the surface, for example, with pikes or dermogenes, will feel well.

Cockatoo Fish - care

For fish to feel comfortable in a new house and have lived healthy for many years, it is necessary to look after them properly. It is important to monitor the condition of water, plants and other aquarium parts. If algae deteriorated, it is worth removing them, water must be changed on time and monitor the condition of the soil, shelters and other used ornaments. Apistogram kakadu ed should receive regular and regular nutrition, which has a number of important features.

Fish apistogram - feeding

In a natural environment, fish of this species feed on benthic crustaceans, worms and plankton. The apistogram is carnivorous, so any live food is suitable for it, but you should pay attention to the fact that for a long time it is impossible to feed large-size fish with large-sized bloodworms and tubulars, as this can lead to loss of bright color and poisoning. You can use convenient frozen food. It is easy to accustom the fish to an aphistogram of cockatoo to substitute feed, but it needs to be done gradually. It is important that they are sinking and have a high protein content.

Diseases apistogram of cockatoo

Among the merits of this fish can be highlighted resistance to various diseases, but if the infection has occurred, then the diseases are transferred easily and they are quickly restored. Fish apistogram can catch a columbariosis - a mouth fungus, the presence of which indicates the formation of white, outwardly reminiscent of cotton wool. For treatment, you just need to make a fish 5-6 times a bath with phenoxyethanol. Other diseases occur in unsuitable conditions of detention and poor-quality feed.

Apistogramma cockatoos - breeding

Distinguish between male and female will be difficult, and many signs are considered subjective, for example, the presence of elongated feathers of the dorsal fin and a special shape of the fin on the belly. Experts recommend paying attention to the color of the body, as the male is more bright and on the edges of its fin on the tail there are elongated "braids", which are absent in females. Fish cockatoo is a harem and one male is able to fertilize the eggs of several females.

To breed this species, you do not need to have special skills and create special conditions. The main thing is that there are secluded places in the aquarium, and the fish will choose the suitable shelter for itself. The female lays up to a hundred eggs, which she protects well. A special feature is the fact that when an apistogram of a cockatoo cares for a brood, its color changes to yellow. The incubation period lasts for several days, and after 4 days the fry already swim around the aquarium. To feed young animals should use live dust or special food.