Adenoids in the nose

Adenoids are a pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This disease is rightly considered childish, as in adults it is extremely rare in connection with the extinction of tonsil functions. Most often it is diagnosed in children aged 3-7 years.

Causes of Adenoid Vegetations

Lymphoid tissue protects the child's body from adverse effects of the external environment, in particular, various infections. With a cold and other diseases, the volume of this tissue is significantly increased, and the return of adenoids to their previous state can last quite a long time, causing a very unpleasant sensation in the child.

The main reasons for the appearance of adenoids in the nose in children are:

How to recognize the disease?

Even imagining how the adenoids look in the nose, parents will not be able to see them without the use of special tools. In fact, the areas of growth of the lymphoid tissue are located almost in the center of the cranium, above the pharynx, approximately opposite the nose. Only the doctor-otolaryngologist can establish the correct diagnosis, having preliminary spent a necessary inspection. Most often, doctors use anterior and posterior rhinoscopy - examination of the cavity and back of the nose with a nasal dilator, as well as radiographic and endoscopic methods of investigation.

Meanwhile, parents should pay attention to some of the symptoms that allow the child to suspect an adenoid in the nose:

If you find similar signs, you must necessarily show the child to the doctor, because the proliferation of lymphoid tissue is completely unsafe. In the absence of adequate treatment, adenoids in the nose can lead to serious complications that cause severe anxiety and significantly worsen the quality of life.

Complications, which can lead adenoids:

Treatment of adenoids in the nose

For the treatment of adenoid vegetations, depending on the severity of the disease, conservative and surgical methods are used. With a slight proliferation of lymphoid tissue, a conservative method is used. The doctor at the same time will prescribe vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Naftizin, Sanorin and others. Bury these medications in the nose should be 5-7 days. In addition, it is necessary to wash the nasal cavity with infusions of medicinal herbs - field horsetail, eucalyptus, chamomile, etc. - or with medicines, for example, Protargol, or Albucid. Physiotherapy procedures can also help.

Even more important in the treatment of adenoids in the nose in children to maintain and strengthen immunity, diet, take multivitamins. Excellent, but, unfortunately, not always possible, the decision will be a trip to the sea.

With unsuccessful conservative treatment, the child undergoes an operation to remove adenoids in the nose - adenotomy. This method is the most effective and always leads to positive results. This is a fairly simple operation, takes about 20 minutes and can be performed even in a polyclinic under local anesthesia.