Dandruff in a child

Quite often in children, small and not so, there is such an unpleasant problem as dandruff. It is an easy form of a disease called dermatitis. Skin cells on the head, turning off, turn into small, dry scales of rather large size, which are easy to see. This problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical, and dandruff must be treated.

Treatment of dandruff in children has its own characteristics, since a simple shampoo for dandruff will not work for a child. Therefore, if you notice dandruff in your child and do not know what to do, you should immediately seek advice from a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe tests before prescribing an effective anti-dandruff remedy designed specifically for children.

Let's, first of all, determine the main causes of dandruff on the head of a child. They can be:

How to cure dandruff in a child?

Think about what could cause dandruff in your baby, and try to eliminate this problem. The following measures will be effective and will only benefit the child's health.

  1. Change the approach to nutrition. Eliminate fatty foods, flour and especially sweet. In order to cure dandruff in a child, it is useful to give him vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, tomatoes, onions, grapes, lemons, grapefruits. Increase the intake of food containing fatty acids: nuts, fish, sesame, flaxseed.
  2. Change the baby shampoo: perhaps, because of him, and this problem arose. There are special anti-dandruff shampoos designed for children: the friederm (with zinc - for dry skin, with tar for fat), sebosol, sulsen. They are sold in pharmacies. Before buying carefully read the annotation to know if this tool is suitable for your child.
  3. Buy a child a complex of vitamins. Often the cause of dandruff is the lack of vitamins of the B group. This is especially true in the fall and spring.
  4. You can try to remove dandruff in a child folk remedies: as a rule, it helps if the disease is in the initial stage. After each washing of the head, you should rinse your hair with decoctions of medicinal herbs: yarrow, nettle. Also, before going to bed, you can rub olive oil into the scalp. Remarkable effect is "lemon water": boiled in boiling water peel of four lemons, which rinsed hair after washing. This decoction should be used twice a week.

Dandruff in an infant

Dandruff can appear at a very early age. If you encounter a similar problem with your baby, do not rush to alarm. First of all, you need to make sure that this is really dandruff, not the so-called crusts. The latter arise at the age of 1-2 months; this is a completely normal phenomenon, the cause of which is the change in the skin of the baby's head.

Dandruff, however, looks slightly different than crusts, and its appearance in a baby is most often caused by an allergy. To confirm or exclude this diagnosis, visit an allergist. With his help, you can find out what the baby has experienced such a reaction. In the form of dandruff, there may be a reaction to household dust, pet hair, milk mixture, various foods, or, in the case of breastfeeding, certain foods that the nursing mother uses.

Dandruff itself does not cause any particular problems to the infant, but it is a clear indicator, a symptom of an allergy or other disease. Therefore, treat the treatment of dandruff carefully: this will protect your child from possible health problems.