Hexoral for children

Often, pediatricians prescribe to our children drugs that, according to the instructions for use, are contraindicated in childhood. What to do if the doctor found it necessary to assign your child a hexoral spray, can you give them to children in general if the reverse is clearly stated in the loose leaf? About this and other aspects of using hexoral, read in our article.

Hexoral is a local antiseptic that has an effect on most strains of known bacteria. It also has a mild anesthetic effect. This drug has three forms of release - spray (aerosol), topical solution and resorption tablets.

The indication of hexoral is a variety of dental and ENT pathologies. Stomatitis, sore throats, viral diseases, pharyngitis, fungal diseases of the oral cavity. It should be noted that there is no special dosage form of hexoral for children.

Hexoral - contraindications

Contraindications for hexoral are as follows:

  1. Children up to 3 years.
  2. Known allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Given the fact that pediatricians often appoint children hexoral, I would like to consider the first contraindication of this drug in more detail.

So, let's start with the fact that capitalist society is distinguished by a very developed legal structure. People sue the pharmaceutical companies because of any oversight, and often receive very large compensation. Therefore, the instruction for use, in every possible way "insures" the drug manufacturer.

Let's return to the hexoral. The drug itself in no way affects the body of the child, which can not be said about one of the forms of release hexoral - aerosol. In some cases, like any other drug in the spray, it can provoke laryngospasm. That is, if in aerosols of domestic production this item is not registered, then this does not mean that such a risk does not exist. It is exactly the same as with the use of Geksoral, and it's only the health system in particular.

Therefore, to get out of the situation, our doctors recommend spray hexoral for treatment of children under 3 years only in special cases, while paying attention to the parents that it is necessary to inject the drug not in the direction of the larynx, but behind the cheek to avoid laryngospasm .

Aerosol hexoral is not contraindicated for children over the age of three, but it is strongly discouraged to use it for children under one year, since the child simply is not able to hold his breath and not swallow the medicine at the request of the parent. An exception is the case when the child needs to process the wounds in the oral cavity.

Also, do not use hexoral to rinse your throat if the child does not understand that you need to spit liquid out of your mouth. The ingestion of the drug is highly undesirable.

Hexoral - side effects

Since hexoral is not absorbed but acts on the site of application - it is usually well tolerated. In isolated cases, allergic reactions to the drug are noted.

With prolonged use of hexoral, taste disturbances are possible.

Overdose with hexoral

Overdose of hexoral may occur in the case of uncontrolled use of the drug by the child. But, getting into the stomach, hexoral causes vomiting, and thus, the body itself is cleared of the medicine.

It should be noted that hexoral contains 96% alcohol, and its entry into the body is undesirable for the child.

Specific instructions for use

You can use hexoral spray to treat your children, if they are old enough to follow your instructions correctly, in order to avoid misuse of the drug and subsequent unwanted reactions.