Emilia Clarke prescribed in the contract the refusal of sexual scenes in the "Game of Thrones"

Emilia Clark is one of those actresses who approach the construction of a Hollywood career thoroughly, with a set of requirements for themselves and directors. Already now she cares about her work from a professional point of view and does not want to be an actress of one image.

Emilia Clarke is known to film fans for the role of Deeneris Targarien in "The Game of Thrones". The series is full of sexy scenes and bright sexy male and female images. According to Emilia in the film, frank sex scenes lacked sophistication, so she decided not to go against their own principles.

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The actress's contract was supplemented with a new point - the rejection of sexual scenes.

Two years ago, at the beginning of the "Game of Thrones", the actress made compromises and often appeared in the nude and participated in sexual scenes, but then, for unknown reasons, she refused to appear in the frame without clothes. For the same reason, the actress refused to shoot in the scandalous film "50 shades of gray", which freed the place for the rising star - Dakota Johnson. Now Emilia Clarke prescribed in the contract a complete refusal of nudity and sexual scenes.

Fortunately, the actress does not face neglect and the role of one plan. Emilia has shown herself in other famous films: "Terminator: Genesis", "House Hemingway".