Buffalo Jackets

The skin of buffalo has found wide application in the modern fashion industry. Various models of footwear, clothes and accessories are executed from it. But the most widely known are stylish leather jackets made of buffalo leather.

Material Features

The skin of a buffalo is very appreciated by designers and buyers for its high consumer qualities. First, the buffalo is one of the largest animals among cattle, which means that it is possible to get the largest skins from it. Indeed, each skin can reach a size of 2-3 m, which makes it possible to cut out models of different lengths and configurations from it. Secondly, this skin is very thick and dense, which makes it almost immune to various damages. Thirdly, it is durable, jackets made of such leather, serve their masters not for one year and even more than one decade. And finally, despite the great thickness and looseness that can be felt to the touch, the buffalo skin has a smooth appearance with a noble sheen, women's buffalo leather jackets look expensive and rich. In addition, do not forget that the models made of this material are cheap enough compared to other types of skin, which allows any girl to buy this beautiful and stylish wardrobe item.

Models of leather jackets

Most often you can find a jacket-pilot of buffalo skin. They are named so by analogy with jackets МА-1 of American pilots of the 50's. Since then, this model has undergone some changes and moved from the category of purely masculine things to unisex, decorating the wardrobe of many women of fashion. Usually it is a short jacket made of buffalo skin, resembling a bomb in form, with fur sleeves on sleeves, fur collar. The collar has a large area and nicely lies on the shoulders. In addition, most often it is made of white or light-colored fur, while jackets are black, brown, dark gray, which further distinguishes this model among other leather jackets. Sometimes these jackets are decorated with stripes reminiscent of army, or are made in non-traditional colors, for example, from red patent leather. Jackets pilots look good with jeans, skinny trousers and leggings, as well as massive shoes on a platform or heel.

If the model of the pilot is not in your style, you can choose another type of jacket made of buffalo leather, in any case it will be a profitable purchase that will serve you more than one season and it will be good to warm in frosty days
