Beyonce in thought: politics or music?

The active civil position of Beyoncé and her husband Jay Zi has been known for a long time, but no one expected that musical and creative ambitions would cease to satisfy them. The couple participates in numerous charitable and social projects, is closely friends with the family of the former US president, and now, according to the information of American tabloids, she has been thinking about a political career.

Is Beyonce getting ready for the election?

Previously, Western media considered the option of the emergence of a new figure in the political establishment, but they relied on Jay Zee and his incredible ambitions. The other day, the online tabloid MediaTakeOut voiced an absolutely opposite point of view: the family is betting on Beyonce and its impeccable reputation. According to journalists, political consultants are invited to the staff of the singer's team and the strategy of the electoral program is being developed. The tabloid claims that the singer is planning to nominate her candidacy in 2018 as the measure of Los Angeles.

Michelle Obama and Beyoncé are friends and participate in charitable projects
Beyoncé volunteer in many humanitarian funds

Political ambitions Beyonce - fiction tabloid MediaTakeOut!

The news about Beyonce's political ambitions aroused a lot of questions not only among fans, but also in the world of show business. Therefore, the official representatives of the rushed to give a refutation of the rumors and assure that the singer does not plan to finish her musical career.

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In American history, there have been several examples where show business people have become part of the political elite of the state, so the likelihood that Beyoncé or her husband Jay Z will want to manifest themselves in politics is possible.

Star spouses are friends with the family of former US President