Regidron - indications for use

Intestinal infections and severe poisoning are usually accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which naturally leads to a violation of the salt balance in the body and dehydration. To restore these indicators and improve the patient's well-being, the use of the Regidron preparation is recommended, which is available in the form of powder in a portion pack.

Regidron - indications for use

This medicine restores the water-alkaline balance and prevents the imbalance of the constituents of the blood (ph is kept within normal limits). In addition, the drug enhances the adsorption of salts and citrates in the body, prevents the increase in the level of acetone.

Powder Regidron - indications for use:

It is worth noting that the drug in question contains a high amount of potassium, which ensures a rapid replacement of the lack of this substance with loss of moisture. In addition, the drug is safe due to the low sodium content, since a small concentration of this component excludes such a side effect as hypernatremia.

Regidron - route of administration and dose

The drug is produced portionwise, the contents of one sachet must be dissolved in a liter of warm boiled water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that there are no grains in the liquid.

The dose of Regidron is calculated based on the patient's body weight: for each 1 kg of weight should drink 10 ml of the prepared solution for 60 minutes. It is not necessary to take the entire amount at once, it is enough to drink the medicine in small sips at short intervals, with diarrhea - after each emptying.

When the symptoms become less pronounced and signs of dehydration are almost invisible, you can reduce the dosage of Regidron, but it should not be less than 5 ml per kilogram of weight.

The prepared solution in an amount of 1 liter must be used within a day. Treatment should be done within 3-4 days.

The use of rehydron in vomiting suggests rapid removal of the drug from the body. This means that the active substances do not have time to act and the electrolytes contained in the powder do not enter the blood, and, consequently, the acid-base balance is not restored. Therefore, in this case, the portion of the medicine is increased. The additional dose is calculated in the same way: 10 ml solution per kilogram of body weight, but, in addition to the main method, you should drink Regidron after every fit of vomiting.

Strong rehydration is treated with the drug in the first 6-10 hours after the first attack. For the correct calculation of the therapeutic portion, you need to know the normal weight of the victim and determine the mass of his body at the time of dehydration. The difference of these indicators is multiplied by 2, which will be the recommended dose of Regidron. For example, if a person weighs 300 g less than in a healthy state, a portion of the solution will be 600 ml. It should be remembered that replenishment of water does not require the use of other liquids.

Indications for use Regidron allow its use during pregnancy and lactation. But you should pay attention that in such situations it is required to dissolve the powder in more liquid to reduce the concentration of potassium entering the body. It is recommended to dilute the product not in one, but in two liters of boiled water.