Flatulence in adults - causes and treatment

In the intestine of every person there are gases. Usually they accumulate in a small amount, and extra portions of them from time to time come out. If the gas becomes much more than normal, adults are diagnosed with flatulence, the causes of the illness and treatment are started. Various factors can provoke excessive gas formation. But in principle, most of them can be cured without even serious efforts.

Causes of flatulence in adults

Flatulence rarely becomes an independent disease. Much more often the problem is the manifestation of some more serious disturbance in the digestive system:

  1. Abuse of starch and fiber. As soon as the body of these elements becomes more laid, the gases begin to form more intensively.
  2. Intestinal parasites. Often, flatulence is diagnosed when they become infected. Microorganisms provoke inflammatory processes that disrupt the healthy work of the intestine.
  3. Fast improper nutrition. The human diet should be diverse and bring the body all the necessary nutrients. If you eat unhealthy, you may get frustrated. And if you eat too fast, excess air will penetrate the food.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, flatulence in adults can be accompanied by bleeding and requires early treatment. Dangerous diseases include pancreatitis, colitis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis , dysbiosis, enterocolitis.
  5. Medicines. For some drugs, flatulence is a side effect.
  6. Celiac disease. This ailment is diagnosed when the body can not completely break down gluten. But the symptoms of the disease and the treatment of flatulence in adults, arising from its background, doctors are very rare.
  7. Stress and nervous disorders. Because of the strong nervous excitement in some people, the peristalsis of the intestine is disrupted.
  8. Lactose intolerance. In people suffering from this problem, flatulence can begin soon after eating dairy products.

Treatment of flatulence in adults

Therapy should consist of two main stages. It is necessary to eliminate manifestations of meteorism directly, and then to determine, because of what the problem has appeared, and to engage in struggle with the primary source.

If everything has arisen because of malnutrition, you must follow a diet. In the diet should be a minimum of foods that contain high in fiber , that is:

It is advisable to use all stewed fruits and vegetables during the recovery period.

If the diet is ineffective, after complete diagnosis and determining the causes of flatulence in adults, complex medications are used for treatment. They are used for etiotropic, symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy. That is, they eliminate the main signs of the problem and prevent its appearance in the future. The best considered to be such drugs for the treatment of flatulence in adults:

Doctors also recommend drinking a variety of probiotic drugs, which are intended to restore the intestinal microflora.

Medications help almost always, but not when gassing causes disease or some kind of mechanical obstruction. These cases require more serious treatment. In the most difficult situations, surgical intervention may even be required.